Chapter 82

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Chapter 82 Brother's Promise

    "Sister Lu Xi, drink some water." Lili held a bottle of mineral water and helped Lu Xi up.

    She touched Lu Xi's forehead with her small hand, then touched her own forehead to feel the temperature, and said with concern: "Sister Lu Xi, you will be fine after taking the cold medicine, and your forehead is not so hot anymore."

    Now There are still more than 300 kilometers away from city b. At their current speed, they may have to go for another two or three days.

    But just last night, sister Lu Xi suddenly had a high fever, which scared everyone, especially brother Nar, who was holding sister Lu Xi, his brows were dark, and the surrounding air pressure was extremely low, so she didn't dare to come closer .

    Lu Xi had a fever again, and she felt a strange feeling in her body. She felt exhausted, as if she was being roasted on a barbecue grill. Her intuition told her that her current situation must have something to do with the space debris that the original owner said.

    However, the space debris she managed to collect is gone!

    Where did her space go? In the past few days, I have been missing her all-purpose space that can farm, keep fresh and keep warm, and have a large storage capacity!

    The most important thing is that in that space, there are many delicious food collected little by little before the end of the world, as well as toys and many memory cards with downloaded movies and TV shows.

    There are still 300 kilometers to reach City B, and they actually saw a motorcade that was also going to City B on the road!

    The first one was a black off-road vehicle, followed by ten vehicles on the second and third ring roads, and a bus, which was packed with people like sardine cans.

    Those cars drove fast, and they all passed their RV in a short while.

    This group of people should also go to the base in city b. After the end of the world, there are also small bases in some places, but a base not only needs a solid city wall, but also powerful people with special abilities to protect it.

    However, very few high-level power users are willing to stay in small bases, so most of the small bases will eventually be closed and gradually merged into the large base.

    These people came from a nearby base. They were in a hurry. They only brought the most basic food and water, and only a small amount of other supplies. It seemed that they left in a hurry.

    "Little Keke, let's hurry to the next place to settle down." Yu Tong said to Wang Ke who was driving.

    Lu Xi has been having a high fever, and it is strange that Becca can't find out the reason, so now he can only find a place to send it to settle down, and then think of a way to reduce Xizi's fever.

    "Okay" Wang Ke accelerated the accelerator, and then said with some hesitation: "Sister Tong, I think..."

    Yu Tong, who was playing a small stand-alone game, lowered his head and responded casually: "Well, What's the matter?"

    While answering, he still didn't forget to manipulate the controller in his hand to control the characters in the game excitedly.

    "No, it's nothing..."

    Wang Ke manipulated the steering wheel, a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes, forget it, let's not talk about it.

    Liuliu Town is only 200 kilometers away from City B, and after passing Liuliu Town, it enters the scope of City B.

    Wang Ke and Gnar found a hotel and cleaned up the zombies inside. They planned to stay here for one night.

    A few people allocated a room, and Gnar was worried about Lu Xi, fearing that something might happen to Lu Xi's high fever, so he directly said that he wanted to share a room with Lu Xi.

    Yu Tong originally planned to take care of her together with Lu Xi. Seeing the couple, he wisely found a room and lived in it.

    Suddenly felt a little melancholy, alas, we agreed to be single together!

    Being smeared with dog food every day, her young heart was hit hard.

    There was a sudden heavy rain in the sky, Ji Yu was awakened by the icy cold rain, she quickly moved her position, she didn't know when she fell asleep looking at the sky.

    At this time, the sky outside was pitch black. She raised her wrist and looked at the time. The hour hand pointed to three, three o'clock in the middle of the night.

    The diamond-studded Patek Philippe is still shining under the faint light of the flashlight. This is a gift from her selfish and cowardly fiancé before the end of the world. It is also her favorite watch, but it seems so ironic now .

    His heart to himself is like a post-apocalyptic diamond, completely worthless.

    In the dark night, this is a good time for Ji Yu to act. Zombies move quickly at night, and humans dare not come out to move around.

    With that jade earring, Ji Yu can walk through the zombies unimpeded. Generally, she chooses to act at night, so that humans will not find her strange things, such as why the zombies don't attack her.

    It was still raining heavily outside, so Ji Yu found a plastic film in the factory, and the words 'Liuliu Town Paper Mill' were printed on the plastic film.

    A spot of light swayed on the road in the rainy night, accompanied by a swishing sound, matching the night, the scene was particularly terrifying.

    Wang Ke was on the night shift, mainly to observe whether there were high-level zombies. He slept for a long time during the day, and at night when he was in high spirits, Lili fell asleep beside him, with a reassuring smile on her white face. My brother has always slept well next to me.

    With a doting smile on the corner of Wang Ke's mouth, he smoothed Lili's hair: "Liliu, as long as you can live in peace and health, brother is willing to go up the mountain of swords and into the sea of ​​fire."

    He may be most worried about Lili and Chick in his life, but Fairy Chick seems to have found someone who can protect her, so he doesn't have to worry anymore.

    It's just that he and his sister can no longer cause trouble for everyone. Maybe it's time to leave.

    Suddenly he saw a bright spot in the distance, very small, still moving.


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