Where would I be?

673 26 3

August 2001

"I now pronounce you man and wife." Lindsey rushed forward to embrace me and I opened my mouth slightly as we kissed, teasing him with my tongue. Then, my self-consciousness flooding back to me, we broke apart and we grinned at each other, applause ringing all around. "I love you Lindsey."
"I love you too Mrs Buckingham-Nicks," he held my waist and we descended the aisle, confetti landing on us. The reception began immediately after the ceremony, and me, Lindsey, Lena, Will and my mom took a car to the hotel together. "Stevieeeee you look soooo pretty," Will said as we climbed in to the car and I thanked him with a hug.
"Will's right, you both look gorgeous...Did I say that already?" My mom said, sighing happily as she handed Lena to me- we both thanked her bashfully, even though she'd definitely already told us the same thing at least twice. "You're a good girl for being quiet in the church Lena, you're almost magical." She smiled and rested her palm to claw my long, flowing hair. Lindsey kissed my cheek and placed his left arm around me as Lena gripped his right thumb. "Maybe she'll get a letter from hogwarts when she turns eleven." Lindsey joked. I scoffed and turned to meet his eyes. "Lindsey." I felt extremely emotional all of a sudden, and my eyes welled. "You're so beautiful Stevie do I tell you that enough? Especially with Lena." At this moment both me and my mother burst into tears, Lena joining in and Will looking up in shock. "Hey there girls I'm not that bad." Me and my mom laughed through our tears and I rocked Lena, soothing her within a few moments. "You ok?" Will asked cautiously, twiddling the toy car in his hand. "We're all great little man," Lindsey reassured him, squeezing his shoulders.

Many hours after the last guests had left, me and Lindsey had checked into our room while my mom watched over Lena for the night, and Will had been picked up by Charlotte; we lay on the bed tired and sweating. My hair was pointing in many directions and our clothes lay in all manner of places across the room- discarded in the clamber to bed, (the product of Lindsey & I struggling to resist having each other all day). I'd forgotten the number of times we'd made love that night, as I fell into Lindsey's arms, happy to finally meet the stranger sleep had become to me.

I woke in the middle of the night, but did not open my eyes straight away. I felt Lindsey stroking my face and legs, and my eyes eventually opened to be met with complete darkness when I heard his small sobs, accompanied by a growing wetness on the shoulder he leant against. "Linds?" I whispered,"Are you ok baby?" I was worried, only ever having seen him cry a handful of times in our long history. "I woke you," he stated guiltily.
"It's ok," I said quietly, sitting to hold him against me. "It's just...I never thought we'd be lucky enough to get here together, and I can't imagine life any other way now."
"Good, because I'm not going anywhere."

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