Chapter 1. ~Painful Memories and a Buttercup Flower~

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It was an average day for me in Starlight Springs, Colorado. I woke up in my tiny, cluttered apartment, got dressed, went to work, worked, came home, cooked myself some frozen pizza, watched TV, and then went to bed.

That's about all my life is anymore.

Ever since... The accident.


"Where are we going?" I asked my mom as we got into the car.

"You'll see." My mother said.

I shrugged and opened my laptop, opening up my favorite game. I placed my F/C headphones on my ears, zipped up my F/C sweatshirt, put my seatbelt on, and started playing as my dad started up the car and we drove to who knows where.

"DIE, SPACE NERD!" My brother shouted, kicking his feet against the back of my dad's chair. He had our Nintendo Switch in his hands and was bouncing up and down as he defeated the main boss on his game.

I chuckled to myself and went back to my own game.

My mom turned on the radio. My favorite song began to play. I hummed along happily.

I love road trips! I thought to myself.

We exited out of Starlight Springs and into the main city of Denver, Colorado. I wasn't a huge city person. They made me nervous. All of the people...

I shook the thought away and focused on where we could be going. Perhaps to visit Aunt Susie in California? Or maybe we were going skiing! Wait... No. We didn't bring any ski gear.

-~Time skip brought to you by yours truly, Reaper Snas.~-

"When can we stop?" I asked. "My legs are getting sore."

"We'll stop once we find a place." My dad said.


I closed my laptop as the battery began to die, and I rested my head against the window. Trees passed by in a flash. Trying to focus on them made me dizzy.

I yawned and closed my eyes, hoping I could get some sleep before we stop. Maybe it would ease my aching legs.

Suddenly, the car swerved right, and my head bashed into the window. I saw something crash into us, and then everything went bright with searing heat. I was launched out of the window, wincing as glass cut my skin. I hit something soft but hard at the same time and blacked out.

-~Another time skip brought to you by Reaper Snas.~-

I woke up with an incredible amount of pain in my head. I blinked as my eyes adjusted to the white light in the room. I was lying in some sort of bed. A soft beeping noise filled my ears.

Why am I in a hospital...? I thought to myself. What happened?

"Oh, you're awake. How do you feel?" Said a voice I didn't recognize. I looked to my left and saw a doctor sitting in a chair with a clipboard and pen.

"My head hurts." I admitted. "Why am I here?"

She sighed. "I'm... Sorry to say this, but... You were in a car accident."

The memories came flooding back. The sudden movements, the searing heat, the bright lights, the glass on my skin...

"Where is my family? Are they ok?" I asked.

She looked at me, her eyes full of sympathy. "I'm sorry, sweetie, but..."

But I already knew what she was going to say.

"They didn't survive."


I sighed as I laid down in bed for the night. The painful memories made me want to curl up in a corner and cry. On top of that, I couldn't bring myself to get in cars anymore. I was just too afraid.

I pulled the blankets up to my neck and closed my eyes.

Yet sleep never came.

I sat in bed for two hours, just tossing and turning, hoping for some sleep.

I decided to get a glass of water. I got out of bed and headed to the kitchen. Then I grabbed a cup from the cupboard and filled it with water. I sipped on it halfheartedly, not feeling tired anymore.

"Welp." I shrugged and looked out my window. The full moon shone brightly on the grass. The large figure of Mount Ebott loomed in the distance. I slipped my sweatshirt on, along with some sneakers, and headed out the door.

Along the way, I got to think about a lot of things about my life.

Such as how crappy it is a lot of the time.

I shoved my hands in my pockets.

Sometimes I feel like the only things keeping me going are the stars. I thought.

I spotted the constellation Sagittarius shining brightly. I sighed. It was my favorite constellation.

I wonder what life would be like for someone who couldn't see the stars at all. Who lived a life like mine, all alone and depressing, but didn't have something as beautiful as the stars or the moon.

I reached the base of Mount Ebbot quicker than I thought I would and began the hike up. I took my usual route. Not the main path, but my path. Through the trees. It was quicker to the top and was chilly and quiet. Nothing but the rustle of leaves or sometimes the chirping of birds. Flowers dotted the pathway. All of them were golden. Golden buttercups. My favorite type of flower.

Eventually, I reached my favorite spot on the mountain. It had a perfect view of the sky, and was scattered with buttercups, and a few black roses. I smiled softly and decided to see if I could find a better spot. Maybe a nice, soft patch of grass where I could sleep under the stars...

I started humming my favorite song and made my way around the cliff, until I spotted a large cave. I tilted my head and walked closer. I had never seen this part before.

"I wonder what this is doing here." I murmured to myself as I entered the dark cave. I went to my pockets for my phone so I could see.

I didn't bring it.

"Crap." I muttered and shrugged. "Oh well."

It was so dark, I could hardly see two feet in front of me.


As I went deeper, it seemed to get darker yet darker.

So dark that I didn't see the vines.

My foot caught on a think vine, and I tripped. My hands shot out to catch myself.

All I caught was air.

"H-Huh?!" I yelped as I began to fall through a black abyss of nothingness.

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