Chapter Seven. ~There's More Insane Skeletons.~

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"So, Dusty's got a girlfriend now." Sneered a glitchy voice. I had my eyes closed, too terrified to see who it was. "Otherwise, you'd be dead. Unless he doesn't even know you exist."

"W-Who a-a-are you?" I tried to move my limbs.

Nothing happened.

I struggled.

Nothing happened.

"Haha, you don't wanna know." My attacker growled.

"Quit being stupid, Error." Another voice snapped. "Let the girl go."

"Ugh, fine." The strings around me disappeared and I fell to the ground.

"Who are you guys?" I sat up and blinked in confusion as I saw the people who had spoken.

There were two skeletons. Both had bones as black as night. One looked like he had been dipped in tar or ink, with four black tendrils snaking out of his spine. The weird inky substance on him covered one eye socket as well.

The other had red eye sockets, yellow eyes, a massive scowl on his face, and blue stripes going down his cheeks. He had a black and yellow coat, which had blue stitching at the ends of the sleeves, a red shirt underneath, black and blue shorts, and black sandals.

Neither of them looked friendly.

"I'm going to find Dust." The annoyed one growled. Judging by his voice, I gathered this was Error. "You can deal with her, octopus."

The other one wrapped a tendril around Error before he could get two feet. He dragged him over and glared at him. "Last time I checked, glitch, you don't give the orders."

"Put me down or I'll shatter that corrupted soul of yours." Error snarled.

"I could easily snap your neck right now."

"Go ahead. You'd be doing me a favor."

They kept throwing insults and threats at each other. I figured it'd go on for a while.

Maybe I can get out of here while they're arguing. I thought. I moved slowly and silently behind the goopy one, making sure he didn't know I was there.

"And just where do you think you're going?" The goopy skeleton dropped Error and grabbed my ankle with his tendril. He dangled me upside down and narrowed his eye sockets.

"G-G-Getting a g-glass of w-w-water...?" I lied.

"Don't lie to me." He growled.

"Hey, boss!" Someone shouted from behind me. "I found Dusty!"

"I TOLD YOU TO QUIT CALLING ME THAT, IDIOT!" The familiar voice of Dust yelled back.

"Heh, didn't think Dust would've allowed her to live." Someone else said as they approached. I was stuck in the goopy skeleton's grip, so I couldn't see who it was. "Who's this?"

"Get your hands off me, Killer." Dust snarled. "I'm not your pri-"

He cut himself off.

I twisted my body around in a very uncomfortable position so I could see him. "H-Hey, Dust..."

He raised a bony eyebrow. "Are you ok?"

"Just... hanging in there." I said with an awkward chuckle.

"Oh, by Asgore's beard, she makes puns?" Another guy groaned in annoyance.

"There's nothing wrong with puns, Oreo boy." One of the others replied.

The goopy skeleton dropped me in the snow, and I got to see the others.

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