Chapter 22. ~Like a Rollercoaster, Life Has its Downs.~

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"BLUE!" Dream shrieked as Blue let out a painful cry. Dust laughed manically.

With a yell, Ink ran forward and tackled Dust to the ground. He looked at Dream. "SAVE BLUE! I'LL HANDLE DUST!"

Dream nodded and rushed to Blue's side. "Blue, hey! You're gonna be ok." Blood trickled from Blue's skull, and he shuddered.

"Ow..." He blinked. "This hurts."

Ink let out a yelp and Dream turned. Dust had Ink pinned, whacking him brutally with Broomie, a massive grin on his face. "You're dead, paint freak!" Dust cackled.

"Go help Ink." Blue struggled to sit up. "I'll be fine."

Dream clenched his fists and summoned his bow. He shot an arrow directly at Dust. It hit his arm and he let out a snarl. He turned to Dream and blinked.

"Oh, you're dead, bitch." Dust summoned a bone in his hand and ran at Dream.

"WE NEED TO LEAVE!" Ink shouted from behind Dust, chasing after him.

Dream scooped up Blue in his arms and teleported out of the way just as Dust brought the bone down.

"You're not going anywhere, squid." Error's glitchy voice rang out through the clearing as blue strings lifted Ink up by the ankle and entangled him. Error hopped down from who knows where. A Gaster Blaster formed over his head. "Aw, fuck, I've been waiting AGES for this."

"INK!" Dream cried. He rushed to help his friend, but a goopy tendril grabbed Blue and Dream, lifting them by the ankles.

"Not so fast, brother." Nightmare sneered.

The blaster fired up and shot. Dream winced, expecting to see a pile of dust where Ink had been.

"TAKE THIS, GLITCHY BITCH!" Ink's voice laughed playfully and menacingly. Error let out a shriek as Broomie whacked him behind the skull. Error went flying out of the air like a ping-pong ball. Ink dropped to the ground and stared at Dream and Blue. "You guys ok?" He called.

"Just... Hanging in there." Dream chuckled awkwardly with a glance at Nightmare.

"NOW ISN'T TIME FOR A PUN, DREAM." Blue scolded.


"This walking fruit is right." Nightmare said with a grin. "This moment isn't very humerus, is it?"

Blue groaned. "If you're gonna kill us, can you stop making puns?"

"NOBODY'S KILLING MY FRIENDS!" Ink shouted and broke the tentacle holding Dream with Broomie. As soon as Dream's feet touched the ground, he summoned his bow and shot it at Nightmare.

"AUGH- SHIT!" Nightmare roared as the arrow embedded itself in his shoulder. "KILLER!"

"Got it, boss." Killer ran forward and slashed at Dream. The bow turned into a staff and parried the blow at the last second. "Heya, Dreamy~" He grinned.

"Shut up." Dream muttered and kicked Killer in the ribs.

"Aw, someone's not happy to see me." Killer laughed and a bone impaled Dream's arm. He let out a cry and collapsed. Killer walked over and planted a foot on Dream's skull. "Heheh... Y'know, dyin' to me ain't the worst way to go."

"I'M NOT DYING TO ANYONE!" Dream yelled and pushed Killer's foot off with all his might. Killer stumbled backwards and Dream stood up, panting. He walked over to Killer and aimed his staff at him.

"Alright, ya win, lemon." Killer held his hands up, dropping the bone.

Can't be that easy, right? Dream thought, yet he found himself lowering his guard.

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