Chapter 20. ~Cooking.

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Dust POV


I woke up with a massive headache. I let out a soft groan and looked up. Y/N was holding me in her arms, her head resting against the back of the couch. I rubbed my forehead and sighed.

I acted like an idiot last night. I scolded myself. Getting drunk, and then breaking down right in front of her. She probably thinks I'm pathetic. 

"Mmmng." Y/N blinked and yawned. "Morning, Dust..."

"Good morning." I said and swiftly climbed off of her lap. She raised an eyebrow and yawned again. "How'd you sleep?"

"Pretty good, considering the-" She paused and yawned once again. "Events last night."

I looked away with a scowl.

"Open up to her, Dust!" Phantom suggested, floating over my shoulder.

"Shut the hell up, you stupid incorporeal idiot." I snarled.

"Whoa, Dust, you ok?" Y/N grabbed my hand. "What'd he say?"

"Nothing." I said swiftly. "He's just being annoying."

She sighed but didn't say anything.

"Suit yourself if you wanna be depressed." Phantom shrugged.

"I'm not-" I broke off with a harsh laugh and didn't finish my sentence.

Y/N raised an eyebrow at me again.

"Hey, guys." Dream, Ink, and Blue walked into the room. "What's up?"

"Nothing." Y/N said with a shrug. "We just woke up."

"You just woke up." I glared at her, hoping Dream wouldn't think we had been curled up on the couch together last night. "I've been awake for like, the past hour."

"Oh, have you?" Ink put his hands on his hip bones. "I came in here about twenty minutes ago and you and Y/N were curled up like a couple of kittens on the couch!"

I felt my face heat up and I looked away. "Whatever, paint freak."

"Aww, you two cuddled? That's so cute." Blue said with a little gasp.

"Shut up." I grumbled and got off the couch.

"Well, whatever. Ink, Blue and I are headed out. We'll be back for dinner." Dream said with a little wave. "Cya!"

"Bye." I said as they teleported away. I let out a sigh and sat back down on the couch, a comfortable distance away from Y/N.

"So, Dust, what do you wanna do today?" Y'N asked me.

I shrugged. "Sleep?"

"You slept all night." She poked me. "Don't be a lazy bones."

"I'm Sans." I said sarcastically. "All I know how to do is sleep."

"I thought you said you weren't Sans anymore." Phantom muttered.

I gave him a glare.

"We could..." Y/N paused for a moment. "Play go fish again?"

I snorted. "Uh- Ok, sure." I teleported, found the deck of cards, and slapped them on the table. "Let's play."


"You've won five rounds in a row." I grumbled, tossing my cards on the table and crossing my arms.

"I'm just good." Y/N said smugly.

"Go shove a spade up your smug ass." I muttered.

"Aw, someone's grumpy." She teased.

"Can we do something else?"

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