Chapter 11. ~I'm a Prisoner. Yay.~

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I woke up on a cold, stony floor. I sat up slowly with a soft groan and rubbed my head. I looked around. It seemed like I was in some sort of cell?

I sighed as the memories of what had happened flooded back to me.


I opened the door and walked in.

He spun around quicker than lightning and shot a bone two inches from my face that impaled itself in the wall.

"Dust! I-It's me!" I exclaimed, holding my hands up.

He froze. "How'd you-"

"Ink opened a portal." I explained and walked over to him. "Can I sit with you?"

He nodded and I sat on the bar stool next to him. "What do you want?" He asked. "If you're here to tell me to go back, I'm not. I wasn't happy there."

"I know." I said, grabbing one of his bony hands with my own. "I know you don't want to go back."

"Then why are you here?"

"I don't want you to be alone."

He stayed silent, so I took that as an opportunity to continue.

"I don't want you to be alone, and I don't exactly want to stay with Dream." I said. "So... Can I stay with you again?"

His hand gripped mine tightly for a minute as his eye flared purple and red, then he relaxed. "Why? Wouldn't you rather run around AUs helping people than sit in a dusty old bar with a bag of bones like me all day?"

"I'd sit in a dusty old bar with you any day." I said with a smirk.

"You're weird." He muttered.

"I know."

He sighed and looked towards his right. "You. Are. Annoying."

I held back a giggle.

"Argh, fine. Yes. She can stay. Just because you won't leave me alone if I don't let her." He narrowed his eyes at the air next to him and then looked back at me. "You can stay."

"Thanks, Dusty." I grinned.

"I WILL DUST YOU IF YOU CALL ME THAT ONE MORE TIME." He snapped. I could tell he wasn't angry though, because his face erupted in a purple and red blush.

"Sure you will, Dusty~" I poked his shoulder.

He growled something inaudible and grabbed an empty wine glass from underneath the counter. "Don't make me."

"Don't make you what, Dusty~?" I tilted my head innocently.

His grip on the bottle got tighter.

"I know you're not mad at me." I poked him again.

He raised the bottle.

I giggled. "C'mon, Dusty. You're not mad at me. Admit it."

He brought the bottle down towards my head...

And just tapped my forehead with it.

Then he put it away.

"You're even more annoying than Papyrus." He muttered and got up.

Except our hands were still connected, so as he got up, he yanked me off my bar stool and I crashed into him with a yelp.

"Ack- Get off!" He grabbed my wrists to pull me off.

I looked up at him as he looked down at me. His face was a blushing mess.

My Villain [Dust Sans x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now