Chapter 4. ~An Explanation or Two.~

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"So... Um..." I started, not entirely sure what I was supposed to say. "What's your name...?"

"Does it matter?" He growled.

"Well... I'm Y/N." I paused for a moment. "And I kinda need something to call you."

"Dust." Was all he said.

"That's... Your name?" I guessed.

"You can call me Dust. If you must call me anything at all."

"O-Ok. Um..." I scratched the back of my neck with my unwounded arm. "What happened to everyone in this place?"

His eye flared purple and red for a moment and his fists clenched.

Uh oh. I made him mad. I thought.

"I killed 'em." He said after a while.

"Oh." My voice came out small. "Why?"


I blinked. That's it? Just because?

"S-Surely you have a reason...?" I risked a glance at him again.

"I do. But it's none of your business." He scowled.

"Who were you talking to earlier?"

He froze. His eye flared again.

Then he blinked. His eyes were no longer red. Instead, they were just white. He looked... Sad. Guilty, even?

And then he blinked again, and his eyes were red once more. His scowl returned and he shook his head. "Nobody."

I decided not to press on. Everything was quiet. It was unbearable.

I winced as I readjusted my shoulder to a more comfortable position.

"What are you doing in the Underground?" He asked after forever.

The question took me by surprise. "I- I fell in a hole."

He snorted but made no reply.

More silence followed.

And more silence.

...And more.

Finally, he spoke.

"I had no choice."

I blinked. "What do you mean?"

"I had no choice but to kill them all."

I tilted my head in confusion.

He went on. "My human, Frisk, they- They kept doing Genocide runs. They'd come through, kill everyone, fight me, kill me, and then they'd reset. And they'd do it all over again. After countless resets, I snapped. I killed everyone to match Frisk's LV, just so I could kill them permanently. I did and gained something called DETERMINATION. Now I have the power to reset." He inhaled sharply. "I killed my own brother to put a stop to those stupid resets."

I didn't know what to say to that. Part of me wanted to give the guy a hug. I don't think he'd like that.

His fists clenched and he pulled his knees up to his ribcage. He buried his head in his arms and I could hear muffled sobs coming from him.

"I... I lost my family, too." I said after a while.

"Don't." He snapped. "Don't even give me any of that sympathy crap. You don't understand. Don't try to pretend you do."

"I'm not." I said defensively. "I have no idea what you went through, but I'm just... I guess I'm just trying to say you don't have to be alone anymore."

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