Chapter 40. ~Slowly Losing It.~

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Dust POV


I stared at Dream as he healed Y/N for the fourth time this week. Craze and his stupid gang kept coming back.

"Dust, for the love of the Tree of Feelings, go pace somewhere else or sit down!" Dream looked at me. "I can't focus when you're walking up and down, worrying you head off. She'll be fine."

I sat down and buried my head in my hands. "I just- I can't deal with this. One day, they're gonna actually kill her."

"Yeah, and she'll just come back." Nightmare pointed out. "She's done it before. She'll do it again."

"What if she doesn't?" I retorted. "Maybe that was just one special time. We don't know if it'll happen again!"

"Actually..." Killer frowned. "Uh- When Y/N and I were hanging out not too long ago? I kinda... Told her about how human souls work... And she stabbed herself to test if she'd come back or not."


"Yeah, but she didn't." He shrugged. "And she won't die. Ok? So stop panicking."

"I'm getting a drink." I muttered and teleported to the kitchen. I swung the fridge door open and grabbed a bottle of alcohol. I jumped onto the counter and started drinking it, feeling my anxiety ease immedately.

"You sure you wanna be drinking that?" Ink raised a bony eyebrow. "We both know what happens when you get too... Drunk."

"I'm not gonna get drunk." I said, finishing the bottle and grabbing another from the fridge.

"Uh huh... Sure, bud. Sure."

"Do you need something?" I asked, throwing the bottle cap into the air and catching it.

"Dream said you're going crazy." He snorted. "Ok, he said you were 'worrying your head off' and I took that as you're going crazy."

"I am going crazy." I muttered.

"You don't need to worry about Y/N. She's got a powerful soul."

"...But Craze won't stop until she's fully dead. What if she gets sick of coming back and just decides to give up?"

He patted my shoulder. "She won't do that. Not as long as you exist."

I looked at the ceiling as I finished the second bottle. "Can you get me another one?"

He sighed. "Whatever."

He tossed me a bottle and I caught it. "Thanks." I popped the cap off.

"Why do we have seven bottles of alcohol, and more importantly, why have you already had two?" He asked.

"Gotta take the edge off." I mumbled.

He made a face. "Alcohol ain't gonna do that. Only gonna make things worse."

"It's not gonna make things worse." I hiccupped.

"You're gonna get drunk, pass out, and Y/N is gonna start worrying about you."

"I'm not. Gonna. Get. Drunk." I glared at him.

"Sureeeeeeee." He rolled his eyes. "I'm gonna go find Error and bug him. Bye."

"Bye." I muttered as he teleported away.

Why does everyone want Y/N dead? I thought as I reached for a fourth bottle for when I finished the third. I don't understand.

My Villain [Dust Sans x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now