Chapter 26. ~It's Time.~

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Dust POV


I woke up with a yawn, feeling quite angry all of a sudden. The events of last night at dinner played in my head.


"So, Dust, wanna train a little tomorrow?" Killer asked innocently.

"Train with a liar? Yeah, right." I muttered, not meeting his gaze.

"Dust, we're not lying to you." Horror said.

"Then tell me what the big deal is with that stupid human I saw at that dumb AU." I snapped.

"She was probably just some idiot Dream was helping." Error rolled his eyes. "Seriously. Maybe Killer just didn't want the citizens of that town to know you were there. I dunno."

"But Killer took me there to kill people." I stabbed my fork down onto the plate. "Why would it matter if people knew we were there?"

"Maybe he wanted you to do it silently?" Cross suggested.

"Whatever." I shrugged. "Doesn't matter. I'm gonna find out who that human is, Killer."

"I doubt she was anyone important. You're wasting your time." Killer said.

Am I? I thought. Am I just being stubborn?

"C'mon. I wanna train with you tomorrow." Killer said with a grin. "Please?"

"Ugh, fine." I groaned. 


I grabbed a bagel from a plate and bit into it with a scowl.


"Ready~?" Killer appeared in my room, twisting a knife in his hands.

I grabbed my jacket from the floor and shrugged. "Sure. Whatever."

"Let's go, then~"

"You seem weird." I observed as we headed down to the training room.

"How so~?"

"You seem... Excited."

"Eheh- If only you knew~"

"You're so stupid." I muttered as we entered the training room.

"Give me all you've got. Imagine I was..." Killer frowned for a moment. "Imagine I was Frisk!"

"You don't want me to do that."

"Yesssss please. Imagine I'm Frisk, ok?"

I summoned a bone in my hand, sharp and deadly. "If you want me to, I guess."

He laughed and ran at me. I teleported to the side and slashed his arm. He winced as blood trickled down but didn't comment. His expression shifted and he slid down, sliding on the floor and kicking up at just the right moment so his foot connected with the base of my jaw.

"OW!" I stumbled backwards. "WHAT THE FUCK, KILLER!?"

"You gotta be ready for anything." His tone was serious as he stood up. "How about we try that again? I want you to dodge that, then counter it."

"Don't hit me so hard next time." I growled.

He smirked and teleported behind me. I whirled around, only to find him sliding again. He kicked my lower jaw as hard as before and I snarled.

My Villain [Dust Sans x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now