Chapter 28. ~Anthropophobia.~

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Nightmare POV.


I was just casually staring out my window when I felt a twinge of hope, of light, of life, in someone's soul. Naturally, it disgusted me, so I decided to go crush those hopes and dreams.

Except, when I followed those feelings, I became... Confused.

"Why the fuck are they coming from Dusttale?" I muttered to myself as I teleported to Dust's AU.

I walked through the snowy forest, every now and then melting into the shadows so I wasn't see.

Then I saw them.

Dust, Blue, Dream, and Ink, all gathered around the limp body of Y/N.

I was confused as to why all of these positive emotions were coming from this group, when Y/N shot up with a gasp. She clutched her chest, breathing heavily.

Dream, Ink, and Blue all scooted away from her, their eyes wide.

"Y-You're alive..." Dust whispered.

I almost stabbed her in the chest right then and there. But something held me back.

Dust caught her attention. She whipped her head around and stared at him, fear filling her until it was almost overwhelming.

Dust let out a cry of happiness and gave her the biggest hug I had ever seen. "You're alive! Oh, thank Asgore you're ok! I'm so sorry, I- I-" Guilt flooded through him, and so many other emotions at once I would've slapped him if I hadn't wanted to stay hidden. "I'm so sorry I hurt you, I- I wasn't myself, and-"

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" She shrieked, shoving him away and crashing into Dream, who let out a yelp. She stood up and backed away, eyes wild and shaking violently. "D-DON'T COME ANY CLOSER OR I WILL HURT YOU!"

Well, that piqued my interest. I decided to watch and see what happens.


Dust POV


"Y-Y/N...?" My voice trembled as I stood up. "What's wrong? D-Don't you remember me-?"

She took a step backwards and nearly tripped. "G-Get away from me." She growled, but her voice was shaking so much she didn't sound very threatening.

My shoulders sank. I knew it. I knew she'd hate me forever. I mean, I deserve it, but still. I was hoping she'd at least listen to my side of the story...

She took advantage of my distraction and bolted. "Y/N, wait!" I cried and ran after her.

"Dust." Dream grabbed my wrist. "Let her be."


"She needs a moment."

I sank down into the snow and pulled my knees up to my chest. "I- I was hoping she- She'd listen... And not just-" I stabbed the snow with a bone. "WHY'D I HAVE TO DO THAT? WHY'D I EVER LISTEN TO NIGHTMARE. HE TOLD ME HE WANTED ME TO KILL ONE PERSON. AND ME, BEING THE COMPLETE DUMBASS I AM, LISTENED." I threw the bone and it impaled itself in a tree, barely missing Blue by two inches. "I JUST-" I fell backwards with a sigh. "It's my fault."

"It's not your fault she's scared, Dust." Dream sat beside me. "She just came back from death. Anyone would be scared."

I stared off in the direction Y/N had run off in and closed my eyes. "I'm a horrible person." I opened my eyes and sat up. "No. I'm not just a horrible person. I'm a villain. I'm evil. I'm-" I broke off with a sob and buried my head in my arms.

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