Chapter 39. ~New Adversaries.~

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Craze POV


Violence knocked me to the ground with a smug grin. "Yer gonna have to try harder than that, Crazy boy, if you wanna take Y/N down."

I stood back up with a scowl. "D-Don't call me that."

"I'll call ya what I want, walkin' hazard sign."

I snarled and ran at him, hands trembling. I punched him in the socket, and then kicked his ribcage. He fell backwards with a yelp, summoning a bone to grab onto to steady himself. He stood back up, readjusting his eyepatch. The target symbol on it flashed to a knife, and his right eye lit up. He rubbed his gloved fingers together. A knife appeared over his shoulder and spun at me. He grinned and whistled. The knife shot at me. I stumbled backwards, and then it stopped, only two inches from my face. He whistled again and the knife disappeared.

"That's more like it, Craze." He chuckled and clapped my shoulder. "Yer gettin' better."

I let out a low growl and slapped his hand away from me. "L-Let's just go."

I teleported out of the training room and into the dining room. I found Malice waiting for me.

"Hello, Craze." He said, tendrils swaying in the air. "Did you have a good training session?"

I nodded.

"Good." He smirked. "DISCORD!"

"Yea, boss?" A five-foot four skeleton with a light purple and white color scheme appeared. He had lavender eyes. He wore a light purple spiked collar with white spikes, a light purple shirt with a black jacket over it, white shorts with a purple stripe, and black shoes. He had a spiked ring on his right hand.

"Any news on Y/N?"

"Apparently, that stupid counterpart of Craze's, Dust, is keeping her at Nightmare's place under heavy watch." Discord rolled his eyes. "I don't think Craze can do it, boss."

"I- I can, too." I growled, fists clenching.

"Why not let Violence or Fear do it?" Discord chuckled.

"Let me do what?" A four-foot one skeleton with a black and purple color scheme appeared. His entire left part of his skull was blown off, leaving him with just one eye socket. His eye was bright purple. He had a black jacket over a purple, bloodstained shirt, black shorts with a purple stripe, and black tennis shoes. He had a dark grey strap around his rib cage where he attached his giant axe. He had a scar over his right eye socket.

"No. Craze can do it." Malice said. "I know he can."

"I- I can sneak into th-their castle tonight a-and killer her while she's asleep." I said, a grin forming on my face. I let out a crazy giggle and summoned a bone in my hands.

"Calm down." Malice wrapped a tendril around my wrist. "I know you're excited."

I could practically feel the numbers rising, the EXP coursing through my bones, the LV bouncing in my soul. I grinned more.

Malice sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Perhaps this was a bad idea after all."

"N-No." I gripped his jacket. "Y-You gotta l-let me do this, boss." My eye flared purple and red.

His tendril trailed behind my skull. "I am going to let you. But I worry you'll only grow more insane." I opened my mouth to speak, and he shut me up with a raise of his hand. "Only Y/N. Got it? Only her. Nobody else. Now go."

I nodded eagerly and teleported away.



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