Chapter 49. ~Planning and Other Shit.~

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"Y/N, will you marry me?" Dust asked, a nervous smile on his face.

I stood there for a good minute, trying to process what he had said.

He- He want- Wants. What- Huh- He wants to marry me??????????? My thoughts kept going around in circles.

And then I finally processed his words.

"OF COURSE I'LL MARRY YOU, DUSTY!" I cried, tackling him to the golden floor.

"Wh- Ack-" He let out a yelp. I scrambled off him and he grinned. "I knew you'd say yes."

"If you knew, then why were you so nervous?" I giggled as he placed the ring on my finger. I squealed and tackled him again.

"Y-Yeah, ok, I didn't know." He chuckled awkwardly beneath me. "Um... C-Can you get off?"

"Nope!" I kissed him, a massive smile on my face.

"Hnnngggg..." He teleported out from under me, picked me up, and teleported us both away. He dumped me on the couch and climbed on top of me.

"No fair, you can teleport." I whined, but giggled as he kissed me.

"You two seem happy." Dream observed.

"I'm great." I said, kissing Dust again.

Dust looked at Nightmare and mouthed a quick 'thank you' before turning back to me and kissing me once again.

"I didn't do anything." Nightmare mumbled.

"Is there like- Something going on that you guys know and I don't?" Ink asked. "Why are Dust and Y/N so happy all of a sudden?"

Dust looked down at me and nodded. I sat up and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Dust and I are getting married." I said, unable to keep the massive grin off my face.

"NO WAY!" Horror ran into the room. "HAHA! CONGRATULATIONS!"

"I'm not surprised she said yes, to be honest." Killer chuckled.

"Yes, well after all the shit she's been through lately, I'm surprised she even understood what he was asking." Nightmare muttered.

"Why are you so grumpy?" Killer asked.

"I'm not."

"Yes, you are. You're being all moody. I've seen it before."

"..." Nightmare looked at me. "Let's just say... I'm worried."

"About what?"

"A lot of things..."

"Relax, Nightmare!" Dream said. "Malice is dead, remember? Along with, like, half of his gang. Thanks to you. Y/N and Dust are perfectly safe!"

"Someone could always pop up."

Dream hugged Nightmare tightly. "Stop worrying and be happy for them!"

"I am happy for them, Dream." Nightmare pushed him away gently. "I'm just worried is all."

Dream ran over to Dust and me and sat beside us. "So where are you gonna have the wedding? What kinds of food are you gonna have? Who are you inviting? What-"

"Dream!" Dust interrupted. "We got engaged like five minutes ago. We haven't planned anything yet."

"So then let's start planning!" Dream stood up.

Dust dragged him back down. "Give us at least a day to enjoy the peace before we go around doing wedding planning shit."

Dream sighed. "Oh, fine."

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