Chapter 6. ~Little Teasing.~

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"It's getting late." Dust's words jarred me from my thoughts. "Why don't, uh... You go to sleep?"

"What about you?" I asked.

"What about me?"

"Aren't you gonna go to sleep too?"

"W-Well, yeah?" He raised a bony eyebrow.

"Ok." I snuggled into the blankets and put my head on the arm rest. I closed my eyes and fell asleep, instantly pulled into a dream.


I was walking around the snowy forest, looking for any sign of life. There was no living thing, apart from the plants, of course. It was so unsettling.

It reminded me of my life.

I saw a shadow flicker in the trees, and I spun around, finding myself face to face with a skeleton. He had a hood over his skull, and his eyes gleamed red and purple. I saw the glint of metal in his left hand.

"Hey." He said slowly, trailing the knife blade down my cheek slowly. "You're new."

I couldn't speak.

I mean I physically couldn't. No sound came out.

"Heh, cat got your tongue?" He chuckled. "Don't worry. I know you can't talk." He wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "Let's go for a walk."

That was about the last thing I wanted, but I was forced to comply. He led me through the trees, to a part of the forest I had never been to before.

"Ever seen this place?" He asked, pointed off the edge of a cliff with his knife. "I come here to think. It's a nice place to just throw your thoughts away, y'know?"

I just nodded. He sat down at the edge of the cliff, and I sat beside him.

"Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever see the sun again." He whispered, lying on his back.

Four words came out of my mouth. "I can take you."

He laughed. "No, you can't. The barrier keeps me trapped here. And since I killed everyone, well..." He looked at me. "The only way to get out would be to take a human soul."

I shifted uncomfortably.

He rolled over and propped his head up on one arm. "Now, if you wanted to give up your soul, I'd gladly take it."

I thought about this for a minute.

Who needs me, anyway? I'd be helping someone with this. He could be happy. I thought.

"Up to you, sweetheart." He smirked.

I nodded.

My soul flew out of my chest. A bright (soul color) soul that levitated in Dust's palms.

"So pretty..." He whispered, trailing a bony finger down the side of my soul. I shivered. "Thanks, sweetheart."

Suddenly, blue strings wrapped around my soul. They tightened and it shattered, and then everything went black.


I shot up, throwing the blankets off me with a yelp. A bright (soul color) soul appeared in front of me, not shattered, no blue strings around it.

Just a nightmare. I thought as it went back into my chest.

"Why are you making so much noise?" Dust asked from the top of the stairs, causing me to jump.

"S-Sorry..." I mumbled. "I didn't mean to wake you. I just had a nightmare, is all."

He narrowed his eyes, then walked downstairs and sat beside me on the couch. "What was it?"

"I-" The question took me by surprise. "Uh..."

"C'mon, tell me."

"You, uh... Took me to this... Cliff..." I started as he raised a bony eyebrow. "And asked me if you could take my soul to go to the surface. I... Said yes, and then these weird blue strings wrapped around my soul and shattered it."

His eye flared red and purple for a moment. "I swear if he even lays a hand on you, I'll-" He paused as if he hadn't meant to say that out loud. He cleared his throat (is that even possible? He doesn't have one. He's a skeleton.) and then did something surprising.

He pulled me into a hug.

"Don't worry." He said softly. "It was just a nightmare."

I nodded and accepted his embrace. I placed my arms around him and closed my eyes.

A chill passed through me, and I shivered.

He pulled the blankets off the floor and wrapped them around us in a skeleton-human blanket burrito. I mumbled a 'thank you' and he nodded in reply.

"You never seemed like the cuddly type." I whispered.

His face erupted in a red and purple blush. "I- Uh- Well- You- You seem- C-Cold- I-"

"Teasing." I poked his cheekbone.

He frowned. "Oh."

"No need to get all worked up about it, now." I smirked. "Although, you're kind of adorable when you're flustered."

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're flirting with me." He retorted.

Now it was my turn to blush. "What? No! I'm teasing you! Don't- I-"

He smirked. "Teasing." He poked my cheek.

"Haha." I muttered.

"No need to get all worked up about it, now." He said in a mocking tone.

I rested my head on his shoulder. "You're annoying."

"It's my specialty. I'm the most annoying in my group."

"G-Group?" I echoed. "I thought you were alone."

He froze. "D-D-Did I say group? I- I mean, like- Uh... Papyrus! Yeah. I'm the most annoying out of the two of us- I-"

"What are you hiding?" I asked. "Are there others down here?"

"No." He growled.

I looked away. "If there are, would you tell me? Or warn me?"

"If there were any people down here, and they were dangerous, I would've let them kill you a long time ago." He rolled his eyes. "There's no one down here. Only me. And you. And Pap."

"Then what did you mean by g-"


I paused and then pulled away from him. "Right. Sorry."

I curled up in the far corner of the couch and sighed as he teleported upstairs. I rested my head on the armrest and closed my eyes.

But sleep wouldn't come.

And it never did.

And it never would.

I groaned in frustration and got up. Maybe some fresh air would be nice.

I opened the front door silently and stepped out into the snowy town. The snowstorm had died down, but there was at least a foot of snow, and there were no lights on in any of the buildings.

Such an idiot. I scolded myself. If he doesn't wanna talk, don't force him. He's a psychopathic skeleton, and you just go and make him mad? What's wrong with you, Y/N? 

I looked back at his house and sighed. Hopefully he's not going to be mad at me for long.

I shoved my hands in my pockets and started walking towards Grillby's. My stomach growled. Maybe there'll be food in there.

I opened the door and stopped in my tracks.

Five skeletons were sitting at the bar.

Before I could even react, blue strings wrapped around me, and a bone hit my head. I was knocked unconscious before I could blink.

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