Chapter 43. ~Finale.~

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"HAHA!" Blue shouted. 'C'MERE, FELL!" He threw a snowball at the edgy skeleton as hard as he could. It knocked Fell to the ground with a grunt.

I giggled. "Go Blue!"

A goopy tendril wrapped around my ankle and picked me up. I spun around with a yelp and saw Nightmare grinning. He teleported over to a giant snow pile Ink and Dream were making, and dumped me in.

"Hah! Thanks, Nightmare!" Dream said.

I stuck my head out of the snow. "Wh- Traitor!" I tackled him with a laugh, and we rolled down the mound of snow, crashing into Fresh as he ran after Dust. "Sorry, Fresh!" I said, pinning Dream in the snow.

"Get off!" Dream tried to push me off him.

"Wh- AAAAH!" I shrieked as Nightmare grabbed me again. He threw me up in the air and caught me in his arms with a giant grin.

"DON'T THROW MY- AUGH- GIRLFRIEND, YOU GOOPY OCTOPUS!" Dust shouted as he got tackled by Fresh.

"Oh, NOW you admit she's your girlfriend!" Horror laughed. "EVERYONE GO AFTER Y/N!"

"No!" I climbed out of Nightmare's arms and ran. A snowball hit me in the back of the head, and I heard Cross laugh. I picked up some snow, nearly tripping over my own foot. "Oh, Crossy boy!" I spun around and threw the snow, straight into his eye socket. He let out a yelp and fell straight on his bony ass. I let out a laugh, then bolted as everyone started chasing me.

I ran straight into Nightmare, and we fell backwards in the snow, giggling.

"GET HER!" Horror shouted and jumped on top of me. I let out a grunt as everyone ended up on top of me, smothering me and Nightmare in the snow.

"Ack- Get off!" I tried to shove Horror off me.

"Never!" Horror giggled.

I sighed. "Ok, fine. I'll just stare here and we're never gonna eat."

He froze. "We can have food if we get off?"


He shoved everyone off and grinned at me. "What are we having?"




"I don't-" He cut off as I threw a bunch of snow at his face. "OH YOU'RE ON!"

"Uh oh." I squeaked and ran. "DUST! HELP!"

Dust teleported in front of me, picked me up, and teleported us away. He set me down gently in the snow and sat beside me.

"WHERE'D THEY GO?" Horror shouted.

"DUST!" Killer yelled. "GET YOUR BONY ASS OUT HERE!"

"Don't think I will." Dust muttered and wrapped his arm around me. "Ya cold?"

I shivered a little. "Kinda."

He took his jacket off and wrapped it around my shoulders. "There you go." He kissed me.

"Thanks, Dusty." I giggled.

"Shh." He put a hand over my mouth. "They're gonna hear us."

I heard footsteps behind us and turned, expecting to see Horror with a bunch of snow.

...Nobody there.

I shrugged and held back another giggle as I heard Horror shout orders at everyone.

"Wonder how long it'll take for them to find us." Dust snorted, pulling me closer. I placed my head on his shoulder and laced my fingers with his. "Hopefully a while."

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