Chapter 2. ~Inside the Dark Abyss of Nothingness.~

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So... Freaking. Cold.

The darkness was just cold.

That's all it was.


Was I dead?


A fall like that would've killed me.


My eyes shot open, and I bolted upwards. Yellow petals showered the ground in my outburst. I sat there, trying to catch my breath. I looked around. I was lying in a bed of dusty golden buttercups. They seem to have broken my fall. I looked up and saw a giant black abyss above me.

"Must've been the hole I fell through." I muttered to myself and tried to stand up. My leg buckled and tingled, and I collapsed. "Aaand my foot's asleep. Great. I guess I'll just sit here until it goes away."

As my eyes adjusted to my surroundings, I realized I was in some sort of cavern. It was about fifteen feet by twenty feet. Maybe. I'm not good at dimensions. The ceiling was about twenty feet high. The ground was kind of dusty.

The tingling in my leg faded and I stood up.

"Ok. So... Now, I need to figure out where the heck I am and how to get out of this pit." I said to myself. I spotted a lone doorframe at the end of the cavern, so I decided to go there. I walked down the cave and reached the door. The stone was cracked. I ran my finger along the cracks for a moment before proceeding to the next room. All that was there was a patch of grass and a lone golden flower. The petals were torn and dusty. It looked like it had seen quite a few accidents. Another door sat at the end of the room, so I made my way over.

I poked my head through the door and gasped at what I saw.

It was a ruined hallway, like something out of an abandoned castle or something. Pillars lined the walls, and they were all cracked and dusty. The rumors of the humans and monsters war flashed through my head. I wasn't alive at the time, but from what I had heard, the monsters were dangerous. I didn't want to be caught here. If this was where they lived...

I ran to one of the pillars and hid behind it for a (very reasonable) amount of time. Just in case a monster came through.

But nobody came.

"Maybe they're just... In a different section." I said to myself, my curiosity taking over. "Yeah. I can... Explore. And keep my guard up at the same time. If I see a monster... I'll just hide. And if they see me, then I'll fight." I nodded. "Good plan, Y/N."

I stepped out from behind the pillar and made my way up some grey, cracked stone stairs. I sneezed as I walked through the dusty doorframe at the top.

"This place is so dusty. Someone needs to clean it or something." I muttered and raised an eyebrow as I saw that I had entered a dead end. There was no door. Just buttons on the floor, a lever on the wall, and panel on the other. I walked over to the panel and saw that it had writing on it. It was so dusty I had to wipe off the dust so I could read it. "Only the... Fearless? Yeah. Only the fearless may proceed. Brave ones, foolish ones... both walk not the middle road. What." I looked at the room again. Something about the back wall seemed weird. There was a slight crack, like the wall could slide into the wall or something. I tried pushing on it.

Nothing happened.

I pushed the other way.

Nothing happened.

I flipped the lever about twenty times.

Nothing happened.

I stepped on all combinations of the buttons I could think of.

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