Chapter 13. ~Am I a Prisoner or Not?~

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"Wake up."

I lifted my head sleepily and blinked at a black blob.

"Come on."

As my vision cleared, I realized it was Nightmare. He turned and walked towards the cell door. I stood up and, after regaining my balance from sudden dizziness, I followed him out.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

He didn't reply.

We walked through cold, depressing hallways, lit only by a dim torch here and there. I shivered as the lights flickered out for a moment.

I wonder where he's taking me. I thought. I've been here for... I don't actually know how long. But I've never left my cell. Panic struck me as I had a thought. Am I being executed?

Nightmare chuckled as if he could sense my fear.

Oh, right, he can.

I tried to shove my fear back, but it just kept pulsing through me. I took a deep breath to calm myself. Maybe... Maybe I'm being released? Or... Um...

I froze in awe as we entered a giant room that looked like it belonged in a medieval castle. Stone pillars lined the walls, and a chandelier hung in the center of the room. Hallways branched off in every direction, and a table sat in one corner. All of Nightmare's gang was sitting down, looking like they were getting ready for breakfast. The smell of pancakes and bacon drifted through the air and my stomach growled.

Nightmare beckoned me over to the table with one of his tendrils and sat down at the head of the table.

Horror pushed out a chair that was next to him with a grin. "Sit."

I warily sat down at the table, not sure what was going on.

Everyone began eating.

Um... What exactly am I supposed to do? I thought. I was their prisoner, and now I'm being treated like a guest? Or is there a hidden motive here?

"Aren't you gonna eat?" Horror looked at me in confusion. He looked at my bare plate, then grabbed a bagel from a tray and put it on my plate. "There."

"Um. Thanks." I said awkwardly. I took a bite out of the bagel. Tasted like cinnamon and raspberries.

We all ate in silence.

"I'm going to the Anti-Void." Error muttered after a while. He stood up and disappeared.

"Anyone want lunch?" Horror suggested.

"Horror, it's eight AM, for Asgore's sake." Killer growled, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Oh." Horror looked at me. "Want lunch?"

I blinked. "What?"

"Do." He poked me. "You." He poked me again. "Want." He did it again. "Lunch?"

"Uh- It's- It's eight AM, though-" I said.

"So?" He looked at me oddly.

"Nobody is eating lunch yet." Nightmare said. "It's too early for that."

"But I'm hungry." Horror whined.

"So go get some food, ya moron!" Killer snapped. "Stop complaining!"

He threw a bagel at Horror and it landed in his eye socket.

Horror grinned. "You wanna fight?"

"Hell yeah I do." Killer grinned as well and they both stood up.

Killer grabbed another bagel and threw it at Horror as hard as he could. Horror grabbed it and threw it back.

"Eno-" Nightmare was interrupted as Horror launched Killer up into the air. "ENOUGH!"

Both stopped fighting and looked at Nightmare.

"You both are acting like idiots. Sit down." Nightmare snarled.

"Sorry, boss." They both said in unison.

I felt awkward just sitting there.

Nightmare laced his fingers together and set them on the table. "Now. You're probably very confused on what's going on, Y/N."

"No kidding." I muttered under my breath.

"I've seen your bravery." He said. "I believe you could be useful to us. And perhaps you can get Dust to join us again. For now, you'll stay in one of the guest rooms and we'll see what happens."

"I thought I was your prisoner." I frowned.

"Yes, but since I've come up with a use for you, you're not." He smirked.

"What, so I'm on a trial run or something?"

"Sort of. You're being tested."

I shrugged. "As long as I don't die, I guess."

"Killer will be your trainer for now."

I nodded.

"Cross." Nightmare said. "Take Y/N to her room."

"Got it." Cross stood up and walked over to me. "Come on."

I followed him down a hallway and up some stairs. My mind was racing.

So I'm not a prisoner anymore. Great. But what about Dust? I miss him...

I wanted to slap myself for thinking that.

Like he misses me. I sighed. He's probably forgotten about me. I mean, not that I care! I just hope he's ok.

"Here." Cross said, interrupting my thoughts. "There should be clothes in the drawer. If there aren't, come find me." He teleported to who knows where.

I stepped into the room. It wasn't huge, but it was decent. A bed sat against the back wall, a dresser was in the corner, and a bathroom was located on the right. It was like a little hotel room.

"Home sweet home." I muttered, flopping down onto the bed. I stared at the ceiling. I wonder what Dust is doing right now...

A/N: Little bit of a shorter chapter lol. Sorry, I feel like this was a filler. I said it before and I'll say it again, I'm not sure where I'm taking this story. but thx to all the people who are reading it! i hope you enjoy it .w.

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