Chapter 23. ~Genocide and Ink Being Goofy.~

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Killer POV. 



I watched as Dust sparred with Cross, a smirk on my face. Dust was doing well.

"Dust is doing well." Nightmare observed, scaring me half to death as he melted from the shadows. "I'm partially surprised he's gotten back to normal so quickly."

I nodded. "I was thinking of going to some random AU for some fun, and I wanted to take him."

"Describe 'fun' in your words." Nightmare narrowed his eyes.

"Little genocide~" I tilted the blade of a knife on my fingertip.


"Aw, c'mon, boss." I whined. "Just a little teenie tiny bit of murder?"

"Fine, but only because you've got nothing to do and you're going to keep whining about it until I die of irritation." He flicked a tendril. "Go do your shit. I'm gonna send Cross to keep an eye out on Dream."

"You could bring Y/N here, y'know." I pointed out.

"She'd break if she saw Dust." Nightmare said.

"Yeah? And? Maybe she'd join our side~"

"I don't need her unless it involves blackmailing Dust, but since Dust is back to normal, we don't need her."

"I could kill her, then."

Nightmare smirked. "No. I have..." His gaze drifted to Dust. "Something special planned for her soon."


"Yeah, Murder Trio's back, baby." Horror grinned as we walked through the streets of the AU we were at. 

"Excited for some Murder, Dust?" I grinned at Dust.

He said nothing, but his eyes flaring betrayed his excitment.

"Yeah, the EXP's gotten to him for sure." Horror whispered to me.

"Let's go kill some things, shall we, gang?" I raised my hands.

Horror nodded vigorously and I snapped my fingers. We teleported to the center of town and began to kill everything in sight. Monsters turned to dust left and right, human souls were shattering every minute, and there was blood and dust everywhere.

Oh, and Dust was everywhere, too. He was a madman, teleporting and stabbing things like his life depended on it. The flicker of life in his eyes made me happy, in a way. Seeing him normal again was nice.

"MURDERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!" Horror screamed and decapitated a monster. "Aw, I didn't get the head."

"That's 'cause it's a monster, idiot." Dust cackled as he stabbed a bone into a human. "Only humans drop their body parts."

"Oh yeah." Horror frowned. "Forgot about that."

Horror lost his brains when he got that hole in his skull. I thought with an eyeroll, stabbing my knife into a passing reindeer monster. She let out a cry and scrambled over to an alleyway, where I saw a purple lizard monster trying to heal her with magic. I smirked and shot a bone through both their skulls.

"I GOT A HEAD!" Horror shouted triumphantly, holding up a human head. Blood dripped off it.

"Gross." I muttered. "Can't you be a little less messy about it?"

"Go tell him that." Horror gestured to Dust, who was covered in dust, blood, feathers, fur, and other things.

"He's just havin' fun." I pointed out.

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