Chapter 10. ~He's Trying.~

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Dusty is trying.

He really is.

He's trying to be a good guy like Blue wants him to be.

It's just...

Dust isn't exactly a very kind individual.

The other day, Ink had taken him on some mission to calm down a town that Nightmare had terrorized. He was trying to be calming, but... He wasn't doing great. So, Ink sent him home.

"Remind me again why I thought this was a good idea?" Dust grumbled as he sat down beside me. "This is pathetic."

"You'll get there." I patted his knee.

"I wasn't talking to you, but thanks anyway."

I smirked but didn't reply.

"Y/N?" Dream poked his head into the living room. "Can I talk to you?"

"Sure." I stood up and followed him outside. "What's up?"

"It's about Dust..." He began.

"Uh oh." I muttered under my breath.

"I don't think this was a good idea." He said. "Dust isn't... Well..."

"He's trying." I said defensively. "Just give him time."

"It's been a week." He looked away. "I think he only agreed to this to protect you. I don't think he cares about being good at all."

"He hasn't hurt anyone, has he?" I retorted.

"Well, no, but..."

"It'll take time." I said. "He's not used to this."

"Do you think you could talk to him?" Dream asked. "Maybe, I dunno... Tell him to try harder?"

I sighed. "Alright."

"Thanks." Dream smiled. "I'm headed to some AU to do some things, so Ink's in charge." He disappeared in a ball of light and I headed back inside.

"Let me guess, he was talking about me." Dust muttered as I walked in the door.

I sat beside him on the couch. "Dust, I..."

"What?" He snapped. "Just say it. Everyone's thinking it. I'm a crappy good guy. I may as well just go back to my AU."

"Dust, I-"

"Stop." He interrupted me. "Just stop. Don't act like it isn't true." He stood up. "I'm going home. Back to Dusttale. Back to my empty town. Where I can be alone."

"Dust, wait-!" I protested.

He disappeared without another word.

I let out a sigh and sat down on the couch.

Great. I can't travel between AUs, and I doubt Ink would open a portal for me to go there, and Blue's who knows where. I thought as I covered with my face with my hands. And Dust isn't gonna come back. I sighed again and leaned back. I just screwed everything up, didn't I? Way to go, Y/N.

"Y/N?" Ink walked into the living room. "Uh- Where's Dust?"

"Gone." I said. "Poof. Teleported back to Dusttale. Not coming back."

"Oh." He stayed silent for a moment before speaking again. "Maybe it's for the best."

I closed my eyes and didn't respond.

Maybe it is for the best. I thought. We all know he wasn't thrilled to be part of Dream's group. He just did it to spite Nightmare. Probably. I just hope that he'll be happy back at his AU. Where he can be alone... My thoughts trailed off.

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