Chapter 48. ~One Step Forward.~

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I lifted my head with a yawn and scanned the living room. Nightmare and Killer were talking quietly in the corner. Nightmare had a serious look on his face. Dream was with Blue and Ink. Error was sitting on the couch munching on a chocolate bar. Cross was reading in the corner.

"Has anyone seen Dust?" I asked with another yawn.

Nightmare banged his knee on the table. "Uh- D-Dust?"

"Yeah. Dust." I narrowed my eyes at him. "Are you ok?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" He adjusted his jacket awkwardly.

"Heeee was here earlier." Fell leaned over the couch and grinned at me. "Said somethin' to Nightmare and dipped."

"Oh." I felt a pang of disappointment. "Ok. Did he say when he'd be back."

"Nope." Fell jumped over the back of the couch, scaring the shit out of Error as he landed beside me. "Here." He grabbed a plate off the coffee table and handed it to me. "Horror made muffins earlier."

"Ooh." I bit into one. "Mmm chocolate."

"Only good type of muffin." Error mumbled.

"'Ey, so, since Dust ain't here..." Fell began, putting an arm on the back of the couch. "Wanna hang out with me today?"

"Me or Error?" I asked, brain not fully awake.

"You, ya dumbass." He snorted.

"Oh. Sure." I finished my muffin. "Let me go... Shower, k?"

"K, sweetheart."

I dropped a blanket on his head. "Only Dusty gets to call me that."

"Got it, sweetheart." He lifted the blanket, revealing a toothy, mischievous grin.

I sighed and headed upstairs to shower.


As soon as I stepped outside to meet Fell, I felt something cold hit me in the back of the head and drip down my neck. "Gotcha."

I turned slowly and saw Fell grinning at me with a snowball in his hand.

"Are you serious?" I rolled my eyes. "It's on, edgy."

He threw the snowball at me, and it hit me in the face before I could even move. "Gotcha again."

"..." I picked up some snow and threw it at him. He moved two inches and dodged.

"Gonna hafta try harder than that." He grinned more, teleporting behind me and tackling me.

The cold snow seeped into my body and I yelped. "Ack- Fell! That's c-cold!"

"Supposed to be cold, sweetheart." He dropped some snow on my head. "It's snow."

I pushed him off and pinned him to the snow. "Gotcha~"

He rolled his eyes and teleported out from under me. "Or do you?"

"No fair!" I whined, standing up and brushing snow off me. "You can teleport."

"So sad." He teased, throwing some snow at me.

"Stop snowing throw at me-" I paused. "Wait."

He snorted. "I don't think that alcohol has entirely left yer system."

I threw some snow at his eye socket, and it knocked him backwards. "Ha! I got you!" I stuck my tongue out at him.

He pulled the snow from his socket. "Yeah, yeah, ok. Ya got me."

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