Chapter 24. ~Too Close for Comfort.~

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Dust POV


I struck my bone against Cross' knife blade, causing sparks to fly. He jumped backwards and tensed. I grinned and dove forward, sliding at the last moment and crashing into him. He let out a yelp and collapsed as I got up.

"Ow." Cross sat up and rubbed his skull. "That one was nice! Never seen it before."

I just smirked in reply. I twisted the bone in my hands as Cross got up.

"C'mon, let's go eat." Cross started walking towards the door.

I teleported to the kitchen 'cause I'm lazy.

"AA-" Horror let out a shriek as I appeared next to him. "WHERE THE HELL DID YOU COME FROM?"

I chuckled and sat down without replying.

"Lazybones." Cross muttered as he appeared. "You have legs, y'know."

"Don't care." I snickered.

He rolled his eyes as everyone else sat down at the table.

"I'm goin' out later." Killer announced. "Dust, wanna come?"

"Sureeeeeee." I replied.

"Alright. Horror, you wanna come as well?"

"Never mind, I don't wanna go." I threw a lopsided grin at Horror.

"Hey." Horror frowned.

"Heh, kidding, idiot." I grabbed a glass and poured myself a cup of wine. "'Course I'm going."

"Great. We leave after we're done eating." Killer said.

I took a bite out of a breadstick. "Where're we going?"

Killer cast a glance at Horror like the two of them knew something I didn't, then looked back at me as Horror nodded. "We're gonna go to some random AU for some chaos."

"Do I get to kill people?"


"Sounds fun."


We arrived at the AU who's name I didn't even bother to learn, and I ran towards a nearby town immediately. Horror wandered off, probably to commit arson, and Killer was following me. When I got to town, I noticed everything was peaceful. The scent of apples and paint hung in the air, and I frowned.

I narrowed my eyes as I walked through the streets. The quiet was unsettling. The peacefulness was... Familiar, in a way. Like two friends gathering around a cozy campfire while being stuck in a snowstorm. I had no idea why it was familiar to me. Not like I've ever gathered around a campfire with friends.

Then I saw them.

Those damned Star Sanses. Dream, Ink, and Blue. I inhaled sharply and pinched the bridge of my nose. Figures they're here. I grumbled mentally. Oh well. More EXP for me.

"HEY LEMONADE!" I shouted with a grin.

Dream turned and blinked. As he turned, I saw a girl behind him. I couldn't see who she was. A flash of horror crossed Dream's face, and he turned to Ink. He whispered something in his ear (Skeletons don't have ears, do they?) and then Ink nodded.

Ink turned to the girl and ushered her away. Which left only Blue and Dream.

"Heh heh heh." I chuckled. "YOU CAN'T SAVE HER FOR LONG! HER EXP'S MINE!"

I could've sworn I heard Dream mutter 'I'll go to hell before I let you lay a hand on her' but it could've just been me.

Without a word, I teleported over to Dream and kicked him to the ground. He let out a yelp and Blue summoned a bone.

My Villain [Dust Sans x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now