Chapter 06

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It was the time of day, the sun was shining in the sky over the airport. The people were going and coming out of the airport. Inside the airport, people were busy with their work. Some were going and some were coming. Some were standing there and some were sitting. Aditya and Anjana were also standing there.

Anjana: Adi, the flight has landed a much time ago. Why Maa ji hasn’t come yet.

Aditya: relax, mom, she will come soon.

A lady was coming by pulling a trolley. She was wearing a blue saree with a shawl and spec. She looked around with attitude and then she saw Aditya and Anjana. She smiled and came forward. Aditya and Anjana saw her and they smiled. The lady met Aditya and hugged him.

Grandma: Adi, how are you, my child?

Aditya: I am fine, Grandma. How are you?

Grandma: I am fit fat.

Aditya smiled. Anjana took blessings from her.

Anjana: Maa ji, how are you?

Grandma: now, I said to Adi that I am fit fat. Didn’t you hear that?

Anjana looked down and Aditya felt bad. Grandma was about to say further but Aditya interrupted.

Aditya: Grandma.

Grandma and Anjana looked at him.

Aditya: Grandma, I am angry with you. Why you didn’t come to my engagement? You know, we missed you a lot, especially mom.

Grandma: yes, she must have missed me. After all, she is lazy. She always runs from work.

Anjana: nothing is like that, Maa ji.

Grandma: Means, you didn’t miss me.

Anjana: no, I missed you but I am not lazy. 

Aditya: ok, now, let’s go home. We can talk there also.

Grandma: No, I want to meet my would-be daughter-in-law. I also see how is she.

Aditya and Anjana were shocked.

Aditya: ab, yo, you can meet her tomorrow. You have just reached.

Grandma: No, I want to meet her today. And yes, if I didn’t like her then I will break this alliance.

Anjana and Aditya were shocked. They looked at each other and then they looked at Grandma.

Aditya in mind: Arjun ki kaali zaban hai. If something like that happened that he said then I will not leave me. God, please help, now you can do anything.

Aditya looked at his grandmother and he smiled nervously. They moved from there.

The sun was shining over the Chauhan mansion where Alka was sitting in the living area and she was checking the grocery list. The doorbell rang and Alka looked up. Alka kept the notepad on the couch and she went to open the door. Alka opened the door and she was surprised to see the Rathore family. Alka smiled.

Alka: you guys, what a pleasant surprise. Please, come inside.

Aditya took her blessings.

Alka: please, come inside.

Alka welcomed them inside. All came inside and Aditya’s grandmother looked at the home. Anjana saw that.

Anjana: Alka ji, she is Adi’s grandmother, Ambika Rahtore.

Alka greeted her and took blessings from her.

Alka: please, sit.

All sat and soon Indravati joined them and greeted them. Aditya took blessings from her and then they sat.

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