Chapter Fourteen

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Poor baby...

Taehyung couldn't stop staring at Jimin, who was sleeping peacefully on the infirmary's bed, feeling his heart breaking little by little as the seconds went by, the brunette boy was so pale and seemed so fragile like he had never seen him before. Seeing Jimin in that state, pissed Taehyung off because he knew something was wrong with the small boy and tried to ask him several times if everything was fine at home and if he was eating properly. Taehyung never got a concrete answer from Jimin and he didn't want to pressure him or make him nervous, knowing the young boy was already frightened of Seokjin, he didn't want to make things worse. However, now, Taehyung regretted not insisting on the subject and regretted not speaking to the asshole, who was responsible for putting little Jimin through hell just because of his grades, it was ridiculous.

Taehyung averted his attention to Hoseok, who was sobbing and crying his eyes out, and hugged him tighter as he kissed his head, trying to console him and making him feel more at ease after the shock of seeing his small friend falling on the floor when they were walking along the hallway to go to recess. The younger with pink and blonde hair was in shock as well, he wanted to cry, but he had to be strong for his baby brother who was suffering at that instant. Even though it was hard, Jimin didn't deserve to be in the infirmary's bed, the brunette boy should be outside, enjoying the sun and having fun with his friends, not caring about tests, homework or tutoring lessons, he was just a child, Taehyung thought Jimin shouldn't have so many responsibilities at such a young age.

"Tae Tae, is Jimin going to wake up?"

"Yes, baby, he's going to, don't worry, okay?" Taehyung reassured Hoseok, hating to hear the pain in his voice, he shouldn't have witnessed that moment, it was traumatic for him "Jiminie is just sleeping, he was probably too tired and now he's resting..."

Hoseok sniffled as he carefully grabbed Jimin's small hand, not wanting to hurt him, he just wanted his cheerful friend back. "Jiminie, you need to sleep well to be strong, I miss playing with you..."

Taehyung felt a tear rolling down his cheek and he immediately wiped it, not to upset Hoseok even more, although it was painful to see his baby brother so concerned.

"Hey, Tae..."

Taehyung tried his best to smile when he saw Yoongi walking inside the infirmary with worry written all over his face, just like his. "Hey, Yoongi..."

"I'm taking Hoseok outside while you stay here with Jimin, he might wake up in the meantime..." Yoongi stated gently as he stroked Taehyung's hair, knowing how stressed he was with the situation and probably irritated for seeing Jimin like that, he was feeling the same way. Yoongi, then, crouched down, looking at a devastated Hoseok and gave him a tender smile "Little sunshine, I brought more oatmeal cookies, do you want to go outside for a while to eat?"

"I don't want to leave Jiminie alone, Yoonie..." Hoseok responded upsettingly, cleaning his tears with his sleeves "I want to make him company..."

"Baby, it's been a long time since you ate, you need food in your tummy" Taehyung uttered soothingly, cupping Hoseok's face "And I'll be here by Jiminie's side, he's not alone, okay? And Tae Tae is going to buy a lot of snacks for you, for Jimin and the rest of the cuties, don't worry, my little sunshine"

Hoseok nodded as he wrapped his arms around Taehyung's body, snuggling his head on the crook of his big brother's neck, asking himself how long it would take until his small friend would wake up from his deep slumber, the blonde boy missed Jimin and his cute big smile that always made his eyes disappear. Hoseok broke the hug, still feeling dejected, and, with Yoongi's help, he got up from Taehyung's lap. He grabbed his hyung's hand, hearing his stomach grumbling aloud, he couldn't wait to eat Yoongi's oatmeal cookies.

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