Chapter Twenty-Four

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After replying to Seokjin's message, Jungkook placed his phone back on the bedside table as he sighed in distress, thinking about Taehyung and how he was feeling at that moment. He imagined the younger wasn't doing so well, especially after a surprise encounter with his cheating ex-boyfriend and having, for the second time, a one-night stand with him. Jungkook wasn't sure how Yoongi was going to react to the situation, but if he knew his delicate beauty well, the red-haired male was going to be certainly preoccupied with Taehyung, as he always was.

Jungkook glanced at Yoongi, reflecting on the words he was going to say to the younger to explain what happened between Hongseok and Taehyung, he wasn't going to be happy, as a matter of fact, Yoongi was probably going to try to call his best friend to make sure he was fine. Well, Jungkook hated to tell the red-haired male how Taehyung was so remorseful that he was afraid of facing him and speaking to him, at least, that was what Seokjin told him through a text message a few minutes ago. Jungkook was leaving the bruises out of the conversation just not to motivate the younger to go after Hongseok, he was tempted to do that, however, he had to be mindful that both Taehyung and his ex-boyfriend were intoxicated so, he couldn't just barge into someone's house and beat the crap out of them because they took advantage of another person, that was not the case.

Jungkook suddenly awoke from his reflective state when felt Yoongi stirring in his sleep, his shimmering brown opened lazily and stared right back at him, making his heart pick up its pace, even when he was drowsily he was beautiful, Jungkook wished he could wake up next to Yoongi every single day.

"Good morning, baby..." Jungkook uttered gently, almost whispering, as he ran his fingers through Yoongi's red hair, taking the mesmerising view in "Did you sleep well in my big strong arms?"

Yoongi nuzzled his head on Jungkook's bare chest, softly smacking his defined stomach.

"Is that a yes, my delicate beauty?" Jungkook teased Yoongi as he placed his hand on the back of the red-haired male's head, delicately pulling his hair to be able to admire his cute face "I think it is because you can't keep your hands away from my torso and I love that"

"Jungkook, can you shut up? You're embarrassing me and I just woke up..." Yoongi whined, gazing at Jungkook's playful smile that made his cheeks heat up "I will beat you with the pillow again instead of kissing you..."

With his free hand, Jungkook cupped Yoongi's scarlet cheek, feeling like the mere touch burned him, he tilted his head and slowly pressed his lips on the younger male's, who instantly reciprocated his kiss, funny like one second ago Yoongi was threatening him and now he was melting in his embrace while moving his rosy lips against his, caressing them. Jungkook parted from Yoongi's lips as he released the grip on hair, he maintained eye contact with the younger as he brushed his nose on his, their breathings mixing with each other, their gazes solely on one another, enjoying the brief moment of silence between them.

"What was that about a beating with a pillow?"

"I still can go through with it, if you don't stop being mean to me, naughty bunny" Yoongi threatened as he wrapped his arm around Jungkook's torso, not feeling like getting up from the bed that day, he wanted to spend his day with the older male, however, he needed to check on Taehyung "You're lucky I like you so much..."

"The feeling is mutual, baby, I like you so freaking much that I don't want you to leave my side today" Jungkook leaned down and kissed Yoongi's temple, making him giggle "As a matter of fact, I think I'm going to make you my hostage today, let's spend the day in bed"

"That's funny because I was actually thinking the same thing," Yoongi said joyfully, bopping Jungkook's nose "But, we can't, I need to check on Taehyung, I want to make sure he didn't drink himself to death or end up in some nuts' house, I need to call to have some peace of mind"

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