Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Taehyung sighed heavily as he observed the interaction between Jungkook and Yoongi, feeling bad for how his family problems had gotten between the two males, who were at a pretty good distance from the school entrance probably to have more privacy. Apparently, after Taehyung fell asleep on the couch, Seunghee kind of blurted out to the open how Namjoon was trying to reconnect with their father for the last couple of years and, as expected, Yoongi reacted poorly to the news and to Jungkook's suggestion of giving his father a second chance. Taehyung appreciated how his best friend was loyal to him and how he was looking out for him, at the same time, despite having his reasons to be upset, Yoongi shouldn't have lashed out at Jungkook for being reasonable, it was true everyone deserved a second chance, the thing was his father had already wasted his a long time ago.

The morning of the previous day, Taehyung learned the information about Namjoon contacting their father in more detail from him and Yoongi, who had threatened his older brother to spill the beans or he would do it himself. Thankfully, the children weren't present given the topic of the discussion because Taehyung was beyond furious, knowing his brother, along with his wife, were hiding something so massive from him, something truly upsetting, which made him realise the sudden eagerness of Namjoon wanting Hoseok to meet their father last year. After the conversation, Taehyung, as per usual, needed time to process what had unfolded, meaning he was giving both Namjoon and Seunghee the silent treatment until he was able to forgive them, it was a childish manner to deal with the subject, as Seokjin bluntly pointed out to him, nonetheless, Taehyung believed it was a better option than lashing on people like Yoongi did to Jungkook. That was another problem Taehyung had in his hands – the small altercation between Yoongi and Jungkook –, his best friend kind of did the same thing he was doing and even though he understood how equally angry he was with the situation, Jungkook wasn't at fault for acting like the kind-hearted and sweet person he was, so Taehyung had a frank talk with Yoongi and convince him to put an end to their senseless lover's quarrel which ended up happening, fortunately.

Now, even if Taehyung was far away from the couple, he could see how loving Jungkook was towards Yoongi – the way he was cupping his best friend's cheek while looking at him adoringly with a gentle smile plastered on his face, seemingly whispering something to him. He knew Yoongi still felt guilty for his outburst, despite Jungkook being understanding, which resulted in him being so clingy after apologising to the older male, Taehyung honestly found his behaviour quite adorable.

Apart from still feeling bad for involuntarily creating conflict between Yoongi and Jungkook, Taehyung had another matter that was making him anxious yet even more furious than he was with Namjoon and Seunghee. Today was the day he and Seokjin were going to speak to the parents of the two older kids who bullied Jimin and Hoseok the prior week. Taehyung was relieved for having both Myungsoo and the third-grade teacher, who taught the mischievous children, as mediators because he was certain that the parents of said children were the presumptuous and rude type, similar to Seokjin, and surely they were going to bring his peculiar situation, namely, him being Hoseok's guardian, to the conversation, just to excuse their children's actions, or just to be malicious. Taehyung had already dealt with a lot of judgement only because he was the one raising Hoseok instead of his parents, people didn't know what his baby brother went through, people didn't know what he went through, however, it wasn't important, people just felt the need to feel superior and use others weaknesses or disgraces to make themselves better than they were, Taehyung wouldn't say that was Seokjin's case when he did it to him, but maybe being repressed by his father and not being able to be himself drove him to act imprudently towards him.

Taehyung sighed once again as he averted his attention to Seokjin, who was accompanied by the group of mothers, making his mood lighten a little bit while watching the older male being overwhelmed and fidgety with the attention from them. He smiled weakly, feeling glad that the group of mothers were so accepting of Seokjin, like a good amount of people, they probably heard about the different rumours and gossip surrounding the man and his lack of care for Jimin, especially after the small brunette boy fainted, nevertheless, the older ladies were respectful and decent people, they weren't judgemental like the parents Taehyung came across in the past. He was very grateful to have met that particular group of mothers, the male with colourful hair confessed he was nervous when Hoseok told him about his new friends and how excited he was to invite them over, something that didn't happen when his baby brother was in kindergarten. In the past, Taehyung attempted his best to please and be polite to the mothers of the little children who attended Hoseok's kindergarten and eventually befriended him. He hadn't the same luck as his little brother regarding befriending the little ones' mothers, who, instead of trying to get to know him and the person he was, decided to judge him by his appearance and by his family situation, they even went as far as saying to his face that he wasn't mature enough to take care of a toddler.

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