Chapter Thirty-Three

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TW: Mention of abortion 

Taehyung let the tears roll down his cheeks as he admired the small bundle of joy in his embrace covered with a blue blanket with a little sunshine stitched on one of the corners, trying to grab with his adorable tiny and chubby hand his index finger. He couldn't take his eyes off the sweet baby boy who didn't stop kicking his legs, he was energetic and it seemed that Taehyung was going to have his hands full with him. However, he had made a promise to himself and to the bitch who eagerly wanted to abort the human being growing inside of her womb the moment she found out she was pregnant, Taehyung wasn't going to let that happen, so he decided to raise his half-brother alone, even though it was going to cost his relationship with Minhyuk. 

Both Taehyung and Minhyuk were university students and, unlike him, his boyfriend, given he was attending Med school unwillingly because his father wanted him to follow his path and become his successor as the Director of the hospital, couldn't simply quit his major and help him raise the child, so they both decided to have a conversation about their relationship. Taehyung already knew what was going to happen, there was no way Minhyuk was going against his father and Taehyung didn't want that either or prevent him from achieving his goals, even if it wasn't what Minhyuk wanted to pursue.

Taehyung discretely glared at the selfish woman who, not only ruined his family but also ruined his relationship with his first love just because she didn't want a baby to spoil her new life as his father's wife, something Taehyung refused to call the bitch. She didn't deserve to be treated with respect after having a relationship with a married man, driving his mother to her death, ruining his family and almost killing a sweet baby. Taehyung gazed, once again, at the baby boy in his embrace, who had a few blondish hairs sticking out, big doe brown eyes and the happiest expression on his roundish face, instantly making him cry again.

Jung Hoseok, my little sunshine...

"Happy birthday, my little sunshine!" Taehyung said enthusiastically, immediately scooping Hoseok from the floor the moment he appeared in the living room, feeling the little one holding onto him tightly. He smouched his baby brother all over his face and his neck, earning the sweetest, most heart-warming giggles he ever heard from him, making Taehyung's heart explode with unconditional love for the boy in his embrace, his baby boy who amazingly was turning seven that day "My baby is growing up too fast, don't you think, Yoongi?"

"He's becoming a little man, Tae, I think he's going to be as tall as Namjoon when he grows up, I still remember when Hoseok was just a tiny baby, a chubby one too" Yoongi answered cheerily as he stopped mixing the batter for the especial chocolate chip pancakes he was going to make, they were special because he only did them on special occasions, like birthdays, even though they ate pancakes every day, it was a tradition, just like Yoongi cooking breakfast for his best friend and his little sunshine. The red-haired male carefully placed the large bowl on the counter and headed towards Taehyung, he kissed Hoseok's cheek and gave the cute boy a huge smile "Happy birthday, Hobi, Yoonie hyung is making the special pancakes"

"Are you going to make the chocolate chip pancakes? Really?" Hoseok asked avidly, seeing Yoongi nodding his head, making him more excited about the pancakes "Tae Tae, Yoonie hyung is going to make my favourite pancakes, so I won't say the "no-no" word anymore"

"I hope not, my little sunshine, you are such a nice boy and Tae Tae is very proud of you" Taehyung praised, feeling honestly proud of his baby brother and the person he was becoming, and also relieved for properly raising and educating him throughout these seven years. The young male admitted that he sacrificed a lot to be able to raise Hoseok, like breaking up with Minhyuk and dropping out of university, and despite not being completely happy about giving up part of his life at the time, Taehyung didn't regret his decision to take Hoseok in, especially when he had the greatest people by his side to help him with the little one "Baby, while Yoonie is preparing breakfast, you go to your bedroom and get dressed, okay? Tae will call you when everything is ready"

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