Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Taehyung was biting the end of his pen while reading the notes in one of his classes to prepare himself for the upcoming exams, feeling frustrated because his brain kept reminding him of Minhyuk and their last date, not letting him fully concentrate on his studies. It had been almost three years since he and Minhyuk started dating which was unbelievable for Taehyung because he never expected to find someone so special who could love him unconditionally like his dad loved his mother or like Namjoon loved Seunghee, the young male considered himself lucky for being with a person who didn't mind his quirkiness and his chaotic behaviour.

Taehyung placed the chewed pen on the desk as he got up from the chair, taking a much-needed break from his studying. He walked towards the slightly opened window that was close to his bed and crossed his arms on the ledge, looking up at the greyish clouds spread all over the sky, hiding the afternoon sun. Taehyung just stood there, listening to the calming and melodic breezy whispering in his ear, announcing that the rain was coming, unlike the majority of people, he loved the sound of the rain tapping the windows, the rushing wind brushing against the semi-naked trees, the flashy lightning bolts and the thunder, the melancholic scenery was beautiful in Taehyung's eyes.

A soft drizzle suddenly began to fall from the darkish clouds, gently drumming against the window. Loud thunder roared in the distance, indicating a storm was approaching.

Taehyung smiled widely as he stretched his arm to be able to feel the cold droplets on his skin while hearing the majestic thunder resonating all over the city. He closed his eyes to listen carefully to the various sounds that resulted from the rainy weather – the enchanting wind that made the foliage dance, the rain drops that played different notes when they touched a different surface, the sound of the splashing made by the cars when they drove on a huge puddle of water –, Taehyung loved every single one of those spellbinding sounds that made him adore even more the stormy and cold days and nights.

Humming in contentment with the current weather outside, Taehyung heard his phone ringing, awakening him from his relaxed state. He retrieved his arm from the window was practically numb from the coldness, and quickly went to his nightstand where his phone was, checking the caller ID.

Taehyung grabbed the phone and answered the call immediately. "Hi, mom! Everything's okay?"

"Hi, my baby bear, everything's okay, I just wanted to tell you that I'm done doing research for my book today..." Taehyung's mom stated happily, loving to hear how cheerful her son was on the phone, maybe the rainy weather was responsible for his good mood "I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to take care of some business and then I'll go straight home, okay?"

Taehyung frowned, not understanding what his mother meant by "taking care of some business", she always went back home when she was done in the library. "Did something happen? Do you want me to call dad?"

"No! Don't call your father, I'm only going to talk to someone, ah, an o-old friend..." Taehyung's mother responded hastily as she focused on the road while driving, the drizzle was turning into torrential rain "You don't have to worry about me, sweetie..."

"Hum, okay..." Taehyung mumbled puzzlingly, not liking how his mother was behaving "Well, don't take too long, okay? Joon finally remembered our existence and he's going to come over later, dad is going to work late so, I was thinking we could order out, I'm not a master chef like Yoongi and my brother tends to set things on fire"

"Your father is going to work late again?" Taehyung's mother asked suspiciously, biting her bottom lip as she stepped her foot on the accelerator "Sorry, honey, he didn't tell me, as for your plan for tonight I'm in, I actually need to talk to you and Joon alone..."

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