Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Is everything okay?" Seunghee asked worriedly, stroking sleeping Hoseok's hair as she cuddled him in the bed "You seemed quite cheerful on the phone earlier..."

Namjoon smiled widely as he finished buttoning the buttons of his pyjama shirt, thinking back to his conversation with Seokjin, the man surely didn't seem approachable when he was interviewed by him and was rather expressionless, maybe because they were in a formal environment which was understandable, his boss to be was very professional as he should when he was conducting a very promising and profitable company.

"Believe it or not, Seokjin called me because he wanted to know what was Taehyung's favourite food..." Namjoon responded gleefully as he headed to his side of the bed, catching a glimpse of his wife's features. The male himself couldn't believe how concerned and thoughtful Seokjin was being towards his younger brother, especially after Taehyung described him, for that exact reason, he confessed to Seokjin that he was the last person who could make his brother happy "And we talked a little bit about my family and Taehyung, Seokjin caught me by surprise, Seunghee, he's more emphatic than I thought..."

"Are we talking about the same person who made Tae cry his eyes out for two days straight because he accused our baby of being temperamental and possibly being aggressive towards children?" Seunghee questioned doubtfully as she stared at the sleeping boy lying down on her side with his arms around her torso "I still can't believe he said Hobi was better off with his parents, it's your family, Joon, I shouldn't be disrespectful towards them, by given our situation, it upsets me, they were heartless..."

Namjoon gently climbed the bed to not wake up Hoseok, he sat down on the mattress, pulling the duvet and the blankets over him and his baby brother. He scooted closer to Hoseok, remembering how the little boy was as a newborn – his sparkling eyes, his parted lips, the blonde threads of hair sticking everywhere scruffily – and Taehyung's first time holding him as he gazed at him fondly, with the tears rolling down his eyes, but he had one of the biggest smiles Namjoon ever saw, maybe the first honest smile since their mother's death. Namjoon ran his fingers through Hoseok's hair, reminiscing about the blonde boy's light-hearted yet gloomy words a few hours earlier, when he confessed how he missed Taehyung, he also missed Taehyung, as did Seunghee, Jungkook and Yoongi, especially Yoongi, his brother never cut communications with them for this long and, despite knowing he was safe and sound, Namjoon wanted to hug Taehyung and provide the security he needed to talk about what happened, without judging, he never judged him, no matter the circumstances.

"Seokjin genuinely cares about Tae's wellbeing, I know it's shocking, but it's the truth, his well-mannered tone couldn't disguise how concerned he was with my brother..." Namjoon leaned his back against the headboard, sighing softly "About my family, you are not being disrespectful, sweetheart, you are just being honest and I can't reprimand you since I share the same opinion as you, I don't know what drove my father to have an affair, it was easier to file for divorce and do his own life, but instead, he cheated on my mom while she was still alive, the worst of all, I suspected that she had that knowledge, the day she died, her car was nearby my father's wife's neighbourhood..."

"Really? You never told me that..." Seunghee tried to keep the volume of her voice down, another sigh escaped Namjoon's lips "Baby, do you think your mom was going to confront them?"

"Maybe, I don't know, I just hate to think that she lived the last months of her life knowing that her husband didn't love her anymore..." Namjoon spoke sullenly, thinking back to when he and Taehyung heard their father was going to get married again, less than a year after their mother's passing, it was cruel and insensible, he took it hard, however, Taehyung was completely destroyed "I suffered a lot with her death, but Taehyung, he was devastated, he and she had a strong connection, I hated seeing my brother so depress, he didn't leave his bedroom for weeks and when Yoongi told me that he met his ex-boyfriend again and had shut himself down, I was afraid the same was happening, although I'm still worried about him..."

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