Wake Up!

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"SOPHIA!!!! SOPHIA WAKE UPPPP!!!!" I was awoken by the banging on my front door, and a voice shouting that I recognised was Anastasia's. I glanced over to my clock and saw that it was 10:00 am. What as Anastasia doing here so early? Okay... technically it wasn't early but it was for me!

"I'm coming!" I called down the stairs as I whipped the covers off of my body, causing a wave of chills to shoot up my spine, making goosebumps form all over me. I grabbed my dressing gown from my bedroom door, and wrapped it around myself as I went bouncing down the stairs.

"Two seconds!" I called as I grabbed my door keys from the kitchen and ran back to the door to unlock it.

"Hey sleepy head!" Said Anastasia, pulling me into a hug.

"Hey hun," I replied, "you know, they invented phones for a reason, you don't need to practically break my door down to wake me up!" I added, smiling.

"I do when you decide to put your phone on silent..." She said, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Ohhhh," I replied as we both started laughing.

Anastasia has been my best friend ever since we joined high school together, and I'm so grateful that we have stayed close through everything. To be honest I don't think anyone would have been able to deal with me...and Ana can be kinda mental sometimes, so I doubt anyone else would be able to deal with her! Apart from Tristan...

"Hey Sophia," He said as he walked up the driveway of my house, before pulling me into a hug.

"Hey weirdo," I replied, which made him laugh a little. "Do you guys want a drink or anything?" I asked, closing the door, as Ana and Tris made their way into the living room.

"Could I just have some water please hun?" Asked Ana.

"Course." I replied. "Tris?"

"Just a coke please." He replied, as I walked into the kitchen to get us our drinks, before returning into the living room to join the others.

"Thanks Soph," Said Tris as I placed the drinks down on the table that sat beside them.

I gave him a small smile as I went to sit on the opposite sofa to them.

"You guys are so cute," I said, as Ana nestled into Tris' chest. "You have no idea how much I feel like a third wheel...like all the time." I added crossing my arms and pouting a little, making them laugh.

"Don't be silly hun, you'll find someone perfect,"

"Ana, that's what everyone says to the friend they know will turn into the person who sits at weddings with a wine glass watching everyone dance with their husbands, and then goes home to 12 cats and an Eastenders omnibus." I replied, but I couldn't quite stop myself from laughing this time, which only made Ana and Tris laugh even more.

"So how's everything going with this place?" Asked Ana, referring to the house.

"You know what? I love it." I replied. "It's just so nice to be able to do whatever I want, whenever I want, and Mum and Dad aren't far away."

"Yeah, that's true." Said Tris in agreement. "Didn't they pay off the mortgage for you?"

"Yeah they did, as my graduation present. I'm still paying for my car insurance and everything else, but they're helping me with it until I get a proper job." I said as Tris glanced at Ana and smiled smugly, as if he was hiding something. "So drummer boy..." I said to Tris. "How's the band going?"

"It's great thanks Soph, yeah, it's everything I've always wanted."

"Awww good!" I replied.

"I meant to talk to you about that actually, I spoke to the boys, and our management and we decided we could use some help writing some songs, sooooo..."

"Sooo, what Tristan Oliver Evans?" I questioned, as I felt my heart pounding against my chest, and Anastasia looked at me as if to say 'ha ha I know what he's going to sayyyyy'

"Would you...maybe...help us? They'd pay you and everything?"

"Oh my god Tris are you serious?" I said, a smile creeping across my face.

"Of course I'm serious," He replied.

"Yes!! Yes of course I will!" I said, running over to him and giving him a hug. "Tris thank you so so much!" I exclaimed.

"You deserve it Soph," Said Ana as I returned to my seat. "We know as well as you do that your songs are incredible." She added smiling at me.

"Thanks Ana," I replied, smiling back at her. "I can't believe this...oh my god!!" I added, putting my head in my hands, as the smile didn't leave my face.

"Haha, well you're welcome," Said Tris laughing a little.

"Have you guys eaten anything yet?" I asked.

"No, but don't get up!" Said Ana, as I went to go make breakfast.

"No, no its fine!" I said, as I continued to walk into the kitchen, as they both followed me.

"Waffles anyone?" I asked.

"Oh my god yesssss!!" Said Tris. "Gotta love the waffles."

"Tris you love anything to do with food..." I said as Ana and I laughed together.

"True!" Tris replied, nodding his head along with us.

I started making the waffles as Ana and Tris chatted behind me.

"Soph, we need to tell you something." Said Ana as I placed three plates on the breakfast bar before putting a waffle on each one.

"Go on?" I replied.

"Ana and I..." Said Tris, looking at Anastasia.

"We've moved in together!" Said Ana, with a beaming smile!

"Oh my goodness guys!" I said, pulling them both into a hug. "Congratulations!" I exclaimed. "It's about time you two love birds moved in together!" I added. Ana and Tris had been together for years, it's gotten to the point that I can't even remember a time that they weren't a couple!

"So when do I finally get to meet this band then Tris?" I asked, as we all began eating.

"Well actually me and the boys were all going to head down to the studio today. Do you two want to join us?"

"Yeah!" Said Ana.

"That would be great!" I replied.

"Cool, Ana and I just need to get some food from the shops for the house, but then we can come back and pick you up around 12 ish?" Suggested Tris.

"Okay, yeah that sounds great!"

"Perfect," Said Ana as her and Tris got up, and made their way outside.

"See you in a bit!" I called as they got into the car.

"Bye Soph!" Ana replied as they drove off.


Hey Guys! So that's the first chapter of my next fan fiction! Hope you enjoy it! Keep commenting and voting! I'd love to hear from you all!

Much Love

Phoebe xxx

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