Crying Out For Help

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"Hey lovebirrrrddddsssss!!!" Exclaimed Ana, throwing her arms around me as Brad and I entered the room.

"Hey Ana," I replied, smiling a little. "You scared me to death yesterday! Driving off leaving me in the middle of the forest!" I continued, nudging her arm jokingly. "I thought I was going to be eaten by some bear!"

"Well there was only one bear looking for you..." Said Tris, winking at Brad before hugging him. "Yeah...Brad the bear, that's the one." He said, making us all laugh.

"So Tradley is real eh Ana? Looks like we better get searching for new boyfriends?" I suggested jokingly.

"Shit Brad, they're on to us!" Exclaimed Tris.

"Shhh man, act normal!" Said Brad as his arm snaked around my waist once he had parted from Tris, making us all laugh hysterically.

"Have you guys eaten yet?" Asked James as we all piled onto the bed.

"Yeah, Brad made me breakfast." I said smiling from ear to ear, a little too enthusiastically.

"You'd be surprised at what you can cook on a camping stove!" Said Brad, as his phone vibrated in his pocket. I saw his eyebrows furrow as he scanned the screen, and I gave him a slightly confused look but he didn't respond.

"How about you guys?" I asked, pushing the thought to the back of my mind. "Have you eaten yet?"

"Yeah, about an hour ago," Replied Con, checking the time on his phone. "I think Joe is meant to be..." Connor was interrupted by a slight knock at the door. "Speak of the devil," He continued, going to open the door. "Ehhh brother!" He exclaimed in his over dramatic scottish voice, making us all laugh.

"Morning guys," Said Joe as he walked into the room. "How was your birthday Soph?" He asked me.

"It was incredible thanks Joe,"

"Camping went okay?" He asked.

"Perfect..." I replied, smiling at Brad and he returned my gesture with a smile that was slightly weakened. I began searching through my brain trying to figure out what had dampened his demeanour but no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't figure it out.

"So guys," Joe began, snapping me out of my train of thought. "We're hitting one of the leading radio stations in America today!" He exclaimed, as we all smiled at him. "Ana, Soph, you girls coming along?"

"Are we allowed to?" Asked Ana

"Would they want us there?" I questioned seconds after.

"I mean would we get in the way?"

"Are you sure we wont ruin anything?" Our quick fire round of questions was soon inturrupted by the overwhelmed looks the boys began exchanging with one another.

"Sorry, excited girl moment..." We both said in unison before all of us bursted into contagious laughter.

"Okaayyyy..." Joe began. "I only got one of those questions, but yes you can come,"

"Of course you can," Brad finally piped up, making me relax a little.

"Great, but am I dressed smartly enough?' I asked, "you know, to go to a radio station?" I asked, surveying my outfit which was a white peplam top and black jeans, paired with my white converse.

"You look lovely babe," Said Brad, taking my hand as we all walked out of the room together.

"Hey, are you okay?" I whispered as we made our way towards the lift.

"Yeah babe, I'm alright," He replied, his eyes locked on the floor. Don't lie to me Simpson... I said to myself, but I couldn't summon the words to speak to him out here, so I just pushed the thought to the back of my mind and made a mental note to speak to him about it later.


After a short ride on the subway we made it to the radio station, one of the most famous in America. Joe lead us up to the studio where we were met a man who was just as tall as Tristan, but had short black hair, and was wearing a leather jacket and jeans.

"Ahhh you must be The Vamps right?" He said.

"Yeah, hiya I'm James," Said James, shaking his hand.

"Lovely to meet you, I'm John," He said, introducing himself to the rest of the boys as they in turn introduced themselves.

"This is our songwriter Sophia," Said Brad introducing me to John.

"Assistant songwriter," I said smiling as I shook his hand. "The boys help me out with some of the lyrics," I confessed as John smiled at me.

"And my girlfriend Anastasia," Said Tris, introducing Ana.

"Its great to meet you all, Joe has been on the phone to me a lot telling me all about you guys. You sound amazing from what I've looked at on youtube, and 'Can We Dance,' is an incredible song." Said John.

"Ahh thank you so much!" Said Brad, smiling eagerly. It amazed me the way he could change so fast, from someone who was clearly hiding something that was annoying him, to being his usual, happy self. Maybe there was nothing? What if I'm worrying over something that doesn't exist? No. I know Brad, something is definitely up with him.

"So guys, I was thinking we could begin the session with your live music and then go into the interview?" Suggested John as the boys all nodded in agreement.

"Sounds great," Said Tris as the boys went to set up.


"Hi we're The Vamps," Said the boys in unison.

"And this is our new single Wild Heart," Brad continued as the boys began playing.

I was walking away but she's so beautiful it made me stay,

I dont know her name,

But I'm hoping she might feel the same,

So here I go again,

She's got my heart again...

Tonight we'll dance,

I'll be yours and you'll be mineeeeee,

We won't look back,

Take my hand and we will shinnneee,

Whoa, whoa, whoa,

She needs a wild heart,

She needs a wild heart,

I got a wild heart,

Whoa, whoa, whoa,

She needs a wild heart,

She needs a wild heart,

I got a wild heart.

The boys continued to sing the song and I fell in love with the way they sounded all over again. They were perfectly in tune and each one of them added there own little spin on the song. Something wasn't right though...the way Brad was looking at me, trying to smile but I could see that hint of pain behind those chocolate brown eyes...crying out for help.

Hey guys! So I was bake to update! I'm going to try to finish this book very soon so that I can write the sequel to my previous fan fiction, 'all I want to be is somebody to you,' as a few of you have requested it! Please vote and comment, I'd love to hear from you all! Also, feel free to follow me!

Much Love

Phoebe xxx

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