Maybe I Could Put Up With Him

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I smiled as I went along with Brad's gesture and linked my arm with his. I don't know why, or how I managed to create this bond with him, I guess it's just the fact that he tried to help me, kinda made me feel like he cared.

"Here," I said handing him some money as we entered the cinema. "I'm just going to head to the loo quickly, you okay to get the tickets?"

"Course I am," He replied, as I slipped off into the toilet.

*Brad's P.O.V*

I can't believe I ever let them hurt her. I said to myself, watching Sophia disappear into the toilets. She was such an amazing girl, and I never thought I would have so much in common with her. No wonder I've liked her No. Snap out of it Brad. She'll never go out with you, she doesn't see you like that. You pushed her away a long time ago, she'd never ever want to date you now. Not after what you put her through.

"Hi, could I have two tickets to see Poltergeist please?" I said to the guy behind the cash register.

"Sure," He replied. "Would you like anything else?"

"Umm, just a large salt popcorn, and two cokes please," I asked.

"Okay," He said, getting the items.

"That will be £24.95 all together then please." I decided I wasn't going to use the money that Soph had given me, after being a dick to her for a good few years, I figured it was the least I could do. I handed over my money to the cashier as Sophia returned.

*Sophia's P.O.V*

"Hey," I said, taking a coke off of Brad to stop him from dropping popcorn everywhere.

"Heya," He replied, handing me my ticket as the employee told us which screen to head to. I noticed there was another piece of paper behind my ticket and it wasn't long before I realised it was the money I had given to Brad.

" didn't!" I said as we entered the screen, which was completely empty.

"Oh but I did," He replied, as we took our seats.

"Seriously Brad, please let me give you some money for this!" I said, trying to hand him the money.

"No way, Soph. Honestly, it's fine. I promise." He said, smiling at me.

"Thanks Brad. You seriously didn't need to do that." I replied, as the adverts for the movie started. Before we knew it the film was on and I could already feel the butterflies growing in my stomach.

"We're the only ones in here," Said Brad, as a smile tugged at his lips.

"Greattttttt..." I said, making us both laugh. The film continued to play and the nerves in the pit of my stomach only continued to grow as the jump scares started. "Fuck this!" I whispered as I couldn't watch anymore, and I huddled into Brad's arm. He soon caught on to my motion, and lifted it up slightly, allowing me to bury my head in his chest. "Just so we're clear, I'm doing this because I'm bloody terrified right now...not for any other reason." I said, trying to stay calm but I could feel my cheeks burning.

"Mmmmhmmm," He said, holding me a little tighter as the film continued. I still jumped at most parts of the film, and I didn't hesitate to bury my head in Brad's chest at all the scary parts.

"Thank god for that!" I said as the film finally finished, and Brad released his grip on me, although I did feel slightly upset that he did. I could have quite easily stayed there for a lot longer with him... Oh come on Sophia! Pull yourself together! I said to myself as we made our way out of the cinema and back into my car. "So, feel like coming back to mine for something to eat?" I suggested.

"Whenever there is food involved, I'm there." He said, causing a smile to twitch at my lips.

"Someone's been around Tristan..." I said, as I began driving back to my house.

"Oh hey, congratulations on getting your english degree!" Said Brad.

"You knew about that?" I asked.

"Yeah, the head teacher at uni told everyone before you went up and did that graduation speech." He replied.

"Oh yeah," I said laughing.

"And of course you got one in music to." He added.

"So did you!" I replied, smiling.

"God uni was so much work wasn't it?"

"Yep!" I said, nodding a little. "It was worth it though."

"Oh yeah, definately." Said Brad, as I parked on my driveway and we made our way into my house.

"I had such a good time today," I said, as we both piled onto the sofa.

"Me to." Replied Brad. "How about we order Pizza?" He suggested.

"Sure!" I said, as we decided what we wanted and I ordered it. It wasn't long before there was a knock at the door and I quickly jumped up to open it, so I could pay for the food, rather than Brad paying for everything today. Much to his dismay of course. I came in carrying the Pizza box, and our drinks as we sat on the living room floor, and began to eat. "We should do this more often," I said. "You know, just go out and do something."

"Well I guess we'll be seeing a lot more of each other now," Replied Brad. "So we'll have plenty of time to do that." I said, faking a sigh as if that was the last thing I wanted to do.

"I'm kidding," I said. "I'm so happy that I get to come to America with you and the boys! It's going to be so good!"

"I know right!" He replied.

"And the fact that 'Can We Dance' is number one out there? It's crazy Brad."

"I know, I never even thought that we would end up getting signed, let alone having a number one in the US!" He said, as if he was hearing the news for the first time again. "Well I'd better let you get some rest," Said Brad checking the tim on his phone, as I cleared away the empty Pizza box.

"Okay," I said, feeling a little reluctant to let him go.

"I'll call you in the morning or something?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure. That would be great." I replied as he got his shoes on.


"Thanks for today Brad," I said as I gave him a hug goodbye.

"I should be the one thanking you for even tolerating me!" He said, as we slowly parted, and he walked out the door.

After seeing Brad off I went upstairs and got changed into my pj's before getting into bed and practically falling asleep the second my head hit the pillow. Today had left me feeling so much better about everything that was going to happen in the future. Meh...maybe I could put up with him. I joked to myself as I slowly drifted off to sleep.


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Much Love

Phoebe xxx

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