I Promise

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"I'm so proud of you. You know that right?" I whispered, careful not to wake anyone up, as Brad held up the covers for me to get beneath. 

"I know princess." Replied Brad, as his hand made its way up my back and began drawing unknown patterns on the skin.

"Good," I said, smiling at him. "I'll always be proud of you. No matter what." 

"Babe can I ask you something?" Asked Brad.

"Anything you want," I replied.

"What was it like? Dealing with Jack all the time? Dealing with...dealing with me?" He stuttered

"Brad, you and Jack aren't the same kind of people. You're so, so different. Jack was just... " I said, as I felt my heart begin pounding on my chest.

"Baby," He whispered, his voice raspy and his accent sending butterflies flailing around in my stomach. "It's okay. You don't have to be afraid. I'll be alright, it's just...I know you need to talk about it. I can see it. You don't need to mask the fact that you're afraid babe. Just talk to me." He added. "Just talk to me," He repeated, placing a hand on my cheek, and pecking my lips. I felt a little wave of tears build up in my eyes, as my vision went slightly blurry. Brad pulled me closer, and I nestled my head into his chest, and suddenly burst into tears. 

"What do I do Brad? When are they just going to leave me alone?" I sobbed into his shoulder, as quietly as I could. 

"I know princess. I know." He said, stroking my hair slightly.

"B...Brad I'm t...terrified." I stuttered, through the tears.

"What? Baby, why?" He asked, his voice soft and soothing.

"They didn't just call me names Brad. That's what they did when everyone else was around. The second Jack and Jacob got me alone, they'd full on attack me. Tell me that if I told anyone it would be 1000x worse next time. I can't keep fighting Brad. I can't keep ignoring them calling me ugly, and beating the shit out of me. I'm done."

"Hey, baby look at me." Said Brad, pushing me away slightly so that I was looking at him. "You don't have to fight anymore. I promise. I'll always protect you. Soph you're the most beautiful, talented, sweet, perfect girl I've ever met, and I love you so much you have no idea. Don't let them bring you down babe, and I know that's easier said than done, but it's true." He whispered, pulling me closer again, as I rested my head on his chest. "shhh," He said in the same tone, returning his hand to the skin on my back and drawing little circles on it again. 

"B...but what worries me the most," I stuttered as I tried to calm down. "It scares me that you take the blame for what he did. It worries me that you feel as though you need to make it up to me. It wasn't you Brad. It wasn't. A...and I know I keep saying that but if I've made you feel like it was your fault then I'm so sorry...I care about you so much and I can't see you taking the blame for what Jack did, when you were the one protecting me from it. Please, promise me you wont keep putting it on yourself to take the blame for everything he did." I added, as Brads eyes averted mine slightly. I placed my hand on his cheek and make him look at me. "Just promise me you'll try." I whispered as his dark brown eyes connected with my blue ones. 

"I promise." He replied in the same tone, making me smile.

"Thank you." I said, pulling him closer and locking my lips with his. Brad moved his hand down to my leg and pulled it over himself, as I could feel my cheeks burning. "I love you," I whispered, between our kisses. I slid my hands up into his hair and tugged slightly, causing a small moan to escape from his lips. "Shhhh" I whispered, laughing a little.

"Well when you're being that hot its a little difficult to," He replied in the same tone. 

"We'd better get some sleep," I said, shuffling down a little and resting my head on his chest. Brad slid his hands underneath my top, and began tracing little unknown patterns on my back once again. Sending me off into a peaceful, tranquil sleep.

*Off of the Plane*

"Right have we got all the bags?" Asked Joe, as we stood by the collection point to get our suitcases off of the plane. 

"Yeah I think so," Replied James, as we all checked that we had everything. Soon enough we were all in agreement, and we made our way to the exit of the airport.

"Oh my god they're here!!!!!" My ears were suddenly filled with the voices of about 50 screaming girls, causing me to jump slightly. Brad wrapped his arm around my waist, placed his hand on top of mine, and interlocked our fingers.  

"Brad..." I whispered, my heart pounding against my ribs as we stepped ever closer to the door.

"Its alright babe, just stay close to me okay?" I nodded and gave him a small smile, as his grip on me tightened. 

"Oh my god! It's The Vamps!" One of the girls exclaimed as we left the airport, and screaming sounds filled my ears. Brads arm remained tightly around me as we shuffled through the crowd trying to get to the car that was waiting for us on the other side of the road.  We eventually reached the car, and clambered inside, laughing a little. 

"You okay?" Brad asked me as we all sat down.

"Yeah," I said as I put on my seatbelt. "Jeeze you sure do have some dedicated fans!" I added, making everyone burst out laughing. 

"So Joe, when do we start the tour?" Asked Con as we all stopped giggling after a little while. 

"Well, we have an interview with the organiser of the tour tomorrow, and then we start on monday!" Replied Joe. 

"Hey Soph, do you feel like going shopping tomorrow? Its been agessss, and I need some reatail therapy!" Asked Ana.

"Yeah sure hun," I said smiling. "That would be great." 


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Much Love

Phoebe xxx

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