Lets Get Out Of Here

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"Ha ha," Brad laughed as we slowly parted. "I really appreciate you giving me a chance Soph. Most people wouldn't,"

"Well, I just figured, if I'm going to be working with you now, we may as well try to get on."

"Yeah, I agree." He replied.

"So, music eh? What kind of bands do you like?" I asked.

"Ummm, well the Arctic Monkeys, are probably the main kind of music I listen to. How about you?"

"Well, I'm super in love with this band called The Vamps. The lead singer has an amazing voice." I said as I could see the smile growing on Brad's face.

"Oh I know right! He's a good looking guy to!" He said running his hand through his curls, which to be honest looked frikkin adorable...Woah...No. Stop it Soph!

"Riiiiggghhhhtttt," I said, pulling a sarcastic face as we both burst out laughing. Brad's phone suddenly buzzed so he pulled it out and checked it.

"Egh, Jack's throwing a party tonight and wants me to come over to his to help set up..." He said. Jack was the 'ring leader' of that group of idiots, and the one I personally despised the most.

"Oh thats okay, if you need to go..." I said.

"Na, screw it," He said, smiling at me, which filled me with a kind of excitement for some reason.

"Brad, it's alright, you can go. I don't expect you to stay with me all day."

"No it's fine. I'd rather not be around that prick right now."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I don't really know why he even bothered texting me. I mean, I told him I wanted nothing to do with him."

"Why?" I questioned.

"He was just being a jerk about me being in the band, so I told him where to go and shove his rather large ego..."

"Oh my god Brad," I said almost spitting out my tea. "That's literally the best thing," I added, laughing.

"He deserved it. I'm quite happy to be away from all those idiots now that Uni's over."

"Trust me, so am I." I replied laughing.

"What do you say we get out of here?" Asked Brad, as he finished replying to Jack's message before turning his phone off.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Let's go somewhere," He suggested.

"Are you blowing Jack off for me?" I asked, smiling.

"Maybe I am," Replied Brad, smiling back at me.

"Well then, why not?" I said.

"Where'd you want to go?" He asked.

"Hmmm, I'm feeling the cinema?" I replied.

"Sounds good!" He said, as I handed him my laptop.

"Here, pick something out," I said, "I'll go and get changed," I added, making my way up the stairs. I quickly closed my door and started flicking through my wardrobe, picking out clothes to wear. It's not a date Soph! I said to myself, as I felt my heart rate rise. Chill out! I took a deep breath to calm myself down and I finally picked out a white lace crop top and black leggings, and I decided I was going to wear my black converse again. I took my hair out of the bun I had put it in to sleep in, and I brushed it out, allowing my long red-ish brown hair to fall down to my sides. My hair finishes just above my waist, and after a good few years of growing it out I was finally happy with its length.

"Can I come in without seeing you in your underwear?" Asked Brad, who was clearly standing just outside the door.

"Yes Brad." I said laughing a little as he entered.

"So I was thinking...wow." He said as he saw me.

"What?" I replied, sitting at my dresser as I pulled out my makeup bag.

"You look...amazing." He said, sitting on my bed.

"Thank you," I said giggling a little, as I started to apply my makeup.

"You seriously don't need all that stuff." He said, as I saw him looking at me in the mirror.

"I really do," I replied, continuing to put it on.

"You don't...and I can't be bothered to come over there and take it off of you, but you seriously don't need it." He added, making me smile. "So, there's this new film out, Poltergeist? Fancy seeing that?"

"Sounds great! Is it a horror or something?"

"Yeah," He replied.

"This isn't just a cheap way of getting me to huddle into you is it? Because I'm wayyy ahead of you Simpson," I said as we both laughed.

"Damn it!" He replied, as I relentlessly tried to stop the blood rushing to my cheeks.

"Hey I didn't see you put any blusher on?" He said, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Shut up Brad." I replied laughing as I got up.

"Ready?" He asked, as he got up from the bed.

"Yep!" I said, as we walked down stairs. "I'll drive us if you want?" I suggested.

"Sure." He replied, as we left the house and I locked up before getting into my white Fiat 500.

"So do you think you'll see much of Jack and all of them now?"

"I bloody hope not!" Replied Brad. "I don't even know why I became friends with them in the first place."

"To be honest, neither do I. You're no where near as ignorant as they are." I said, making him laugh a little.

"What about you? How'd you meet Anastasia and Tris?"

"Just through high school really. Me and Ana became super close really fast, and then Tris came along and we all got on really well, and then before I knew it, they're a couple and I'm the third wheel," I replied, laughing a little at how stupid that just sounded.

"Don't be silly, you're not a third wheel. You obviously mean a tonne to them." He said, smiling at me. "But you didn't tell them about what was happening?"

"No...I think I just thought if I told anyone it would make everything seem more real you know? And we always had such a great time together, they were like my little escape from everything to be honest."

"Yeah, that's understandable," Said Brad as we pulled up to the cinema and got out of the car.

"My lady," He joked, holding his arm out for me to link with mine.

"Are you serious?" I said, laughing a little.

"Do I look it?" He asked, smiling back and raising an eyebrow at me.


Hey Guys!! Thank you for reading! Don't forget to comment and vote, as I'd love to hear from you all! Also, feel free to follow me!

Much Love

Phoebe xxx

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