As Long As I've Got You

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As we made our way into the lift up to our rooms, I suddenly felt a wave of guilt encase me because of what had happened earlier. I couldn't help but feel responsible for Brad and Tris' argument on the beach, and I hated the fact that it had occurred because of me. I needed to quickly as possible.

"So meet in our room at 6 yeah?" Said Ana snapping me out of my gaze.

"What? Sorry, I just kinda zoned out for a second," I said, as Brad gave me a slightly confused look.

"We're going to get room service in mine and Tris' room tonight for dinner if you're okay with that?" She asked, smiling at me.

"Ahhh," I said, forcing a laugh. "Yeah thats perfect, thanks Ana." I added, as we all entered our rooms. I immediately went over to the window to look out at the beach, trying to sort everything out in my head, only it wasn't working very well.

"Babe, are you okay?" Asked Brad, and the sound of his footsteps indicating that he was heading towards me.

"Brad I have to go..." I said, turning around and grabbing my bag.

"What? Soph..." He began.

"I have to." I interrupted. "I can't watch you and the boys get into arguments over me. I'm not ruining this for you." I added, making my way towards the door.

"Sophia." Said Brad a little more sternly. "No fucking way. You're not ruining this, you're making it better. Soph, please..." He added, his voice softening, as he sounded a little more desperate. "Listen to me. You go, I go. It's as simple as that. I can't do this without you Soph, I need you like you wouldn't believe. I'm shitting myself about all of this, about the record labels and the radio tour, and you're helping me get through it. You know I care about you way to much to let you go and I swear I'm going to protect you from Jack and everything, you know that. But right now Soph, I need you. Right here with me, because I don't think I can do this on my own." I stood staring at Brad the entire time he was speaking, almost in awe at how much he appeared to care, and needed me around him. I suppose that I'd been so wrapped up in worrying about how Tris and Ana would react, and weather or not Jack was going to turn up at any given moment, I had forgotten that Brad needed me to. "Please." He whispered in desperation, his eyes pleading and worried.

"I'm right here." I replied in the same tone, as I felt Brad almost collapse onto me as he breathed a slight sigh of relief.

"Thank you." He said, burring his head in my shoulder. "Me and Tris are okay Soph. Everything is perfect. As long as I've got you."

"I love you so much." I whispered.

"I love you too beautiful." He replied. "Just...don't leave okay?" He pleaded once again.

"I promise, I'll always be right next to you," I assured him. "Come on," I said, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the bed before laying down on top of it, and Brad laying next to me, wrapping his arm around me as I rested my head on his chest. "Now talk to me," I added, fiddling with his bracelets, and the ring that lay on his finger, as he did the same to my hair.

"What do you mean?" He questioned, kissing my head.

"Get everything off of your chest." I replied. "I'm just here to listen, and offer my sage words of advice," I added sarcastically, flicking my hair behind my shoulder as he laughed slightly. "I'm kidding, just say what you need to,"

"I'm just worried about what they are going to say out here. I mean everything is going so well back home, I'm just scared that we're going to get to the interviews, or do the first recording and they're going to hate us." He said, still fiddling with my hair.

"Why would they hate you?" I asked, looking at him.

"I don't know but, there are so many bands that have tried to make it out here and it's not worked. What makes us so different?"

"You're The Vamps. Thats what makes you so different." I replied, kissing his cheek. "Brad, just think about this for a second, you're worried about making it in America, when you've already made it in the UK. You've got that to fall back on and its bloody incredible. Anyway, don't even think like it's not going to work, because it will. I know it will Brad." I added.

"I hope so baby, I seriously do."

"It will..." I said, kissing him gently as he kissed me back, pulling me closer. "So, what else is bugging you? I can see that's not everything."

"I can't stop thinking about you." He said, making me smile, as he did the same.

"You're so cute," I replied, brushing the curls from his forehead.

"But Soph, I need you to tell me something," He said.

"Anything you want," I replied.

"Tell me what you thought when you saw me in the recording studio that day,"

"Honestly?" I asked.

"No, lie to me." He replied, making me laugh.

"Oi, less of it you," I said, laughing as well, as I buried my head in his chest. "The first thing that went through my head was 'well shit. This should be interesting...'" I confessed, feeling slightly guilty. "But then you started singing and obviously we got to know each other and everything changed. You're definitely not the guy I thought you were Brad. To be honest, I thought you were just another one of Jacks 'followers', I suppose I was kinda worried that you'd be just like him."

"Really?" He said, shuffling away a little, and I could see he was slightly hurt.

"But listen to me," I whispered, pulling him closer. "You're not Brad. You know that as well as I do." I added, sliding my hands up his top and tracing the pattern of his abs gently. "You're so amazing, I mean you work so hard and you're so talented. It's obvious the guys care about you, and so do I. More than you know." I added, smiling at him as he did the same to me.


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please vote and comment, I'd love to hear from you! Also please feel free to follow me! Sorry I haven't updated in a whole. I've been seriously busy with school work and stuff, but now I'm off I'll be able to update loads more for you!

Much Love

Phoebe xxx

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