Shout About It

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"Ana? Where are you going?" I asked laughing a little.

"No whereeeee...." She said, getting in the car. "Ana?" I called as the engine started.

"See you in the morning hun!" She replied, out of the window as she began driving away.

"What? Ana! I'm in the middle of the forest! It's my birthday! Ana!!!" I called once again, half laughing, half panicking as she didn't slow down. "What the fuck?" I said to myself as I felt my heart begin pounding in my chest. Suddenly I felt two muscular arms wrap around my body tightly, and a head rested on my shoulder.

"Hey birthday girl," Whispered a voice I recognised as Brad's, the sound making butterflies appear in my stomach, as I took a deep breath and I felt all the panic and worry drain away.

"Hey handsome," I replied, smiling at the floor as Brads breath tickled my neck.

"I missed you today," He said as I turned around in his arms to face him, the cool breeze of the evening air looping around the ends of my hair, making it move ever so slightly.

"I missed you too baby," I replied, smiling at him as I wrapped my arms around the nape of his neck. "So why are we in the middle of the forest?" I asked, laughing slightly.

"Ahh yeah, about that," He said, brushing his hand through his curls and it was clear to me that he was kind of nervous. "Close your eyes," He whispered, and I did so smiling. Brads lips came into contact with mine briefly sending chills shooting up my spine at his warm touch. His fingers then intwined with mine, and he lead me through the forest for a few minuets. "Okay you ready?" He asked me, and I gave him a small nod in reply. "Alright, open your eyes," As my eyes fluttered open I couldn't help but gasp at what I was seeing. It was beautiful. Brad had put up a tent for both of us in an opening in the forest, and he had hung lights stretching from one tree to the other in a square shape, lining the area where we would be staying and there was a fire pit with a glowing fire sitting in the centre of it, flickering in the light. I was speechless, unable to find the words to describe to Brad how amazing this was. I could have sworn there were tears forming in my eyes and before I knew it I threw my arms around him and he picked me up, burying his head in my neck.

"I love you, so much." I whispered into his shoulder.

"I love you to baby," He replied.

"Brad, this is so perfect." I said as my feet came back into contact with the floor.

He smiled at me, grabbing my hand and leading me around the back of the tent, where a table sat with two plates of food, three candles, and a rose arranged carefully on it. "Come sit birthday girl," Said Brad, smiling as he pulled out my chair for me.

"Why thank you," I said in the poshest voice I could manage, making us both burst out laughing. "This is amazing," I added as Brad sat down.

"You deserve it baby girl," He replied, making the blood rush to my cheeks. "So why didn't you tell me it was your birthday?" He asked as we began to eat. "I mean yeah Tris told me, but I thought you would have been excited about it?"

"I guess no one ever really cared apart from Ana, Tris and my family. It's kinda a new thing telling people about my birthday and stuff," I replied, feeling my heart sink a little. "I mean, I'm nothing special so I suppose that's why no one really bothered to ask..." I continued as my eyes locked on the floor.

"Hey, hey." Said Brad, making me look at him. "You are special. You're special to me. You're so beautiful, talented and so modest it kills me because you don't realise how perfect you are. Soph, you're everything to me. Don't you ever forget that princess." He said, making me smile once again.

Finally Falling...A Bradley Simpson FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now