I'd Take You Over Nandos Any Day

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I gave Brad a small smile, before he entwined his fingers with mine, drawing little circles on the back of my hand with his thumb.

"So, how'd you meet Jack anyway?" I asked, as I felt Brad's grip on my hand tighten a little. 

"He was literally just in my form, and we got talking and I guess we kind of became friends - if that's what everyone wants to call it."

"What do you mean?"

"He never really had friends, just people he'd 'associate himself with' as he liked to say. I knew he was a dick right from the start, but I just didn't have the courage to walk away you know? It's so stupid, I was afraid of going through what I knew he was putting you through, and I'll never to be able to get over that."

"It's over now." I whispered, as I could see Brad was finding it hard to talk about. "I don't blame you Brad, and I certainly didn't expect you to give up your friendship group to come and rescue me." I continued, fiddling with the material of Brads collar. "I mean you did, just a little later on." I added, smiling as I gently placed a kiss on his neck. 

"I should have helped you sooner though," He said, as his cheeks turned red after I kissed him, making me smile.

"I don't care..." I said, sitting up. "You, Bradley Simpson," I began, grabbing his hand and pulling him upwards as well, "Are a good guy, who I seriously mis-judged and I'm sorry that I did because you're literally one of the most amazing people I've ever met, and I love you. I love you so much." I continued before Brad pulled me closer and locked his lips with mine, and we moved in perfect synchronization with each other, my heart beating faster by the second. I felt Brad grip the back of my t-shirt slightly, as I moved my hands up to his hair and entwined my fingers in his curls. His lips moved a little quicker against mine making our kiss more heated and passionate. God I love this boy. Brad pulled me on top of him, making me giggle a little as I fiddled with the hem of his t-shirt.

"I love you too," He replied, slightly breathless as we parted. We rolled over so that now Brad was on top of me, but just as he was about to kiss me there was a small knock at the door. He threw his head back with a small sigh, but I placed my hand on his cheek and pulled him closer to me, making him kiss me anyway. He slid off of me leaving me feeling slightly cold and empty without his touch.

"Hey Joe," Said Brad, his brummy accent filling the pit of my stomach with butterflies.

"Heya Brad, we're booked into Nandos for 7, and we were going to walk there, so meet at the lobby at 6:30?" Suggested Joe.

"Yeah that's perfect, thanks man."

"No problem, see you in a bit." Said Joe as I heard the door click shut.

"Soooooo," Said Brad, as he came into the room. I outstretched my arms gesturing for Brad to come and cuddle, and he did so by diving onto the bed, making me laugh. He carefully wrapped his arms around me, sliding his hands inside the back of my top and tracing little patterns on my skin.

"Mmmm," I said, smiling and closing my eyes, as his touch was almost sending me to sleep. Brad carefully pecked at my lips before I drifted off into a perfect, tranquil sleep.


"Hey beautiful," Brad whispered as I woke up, and I felt goosebumps appear all over my body as Brad's warm hands were still drawing patterns on my back.

"Hey, how long was I asleep for?" I asked, as I began fiddling with Brads hair.

"About an hour," He replied.

"You stayed here for an hour?" I asked, almost in shock that he didn't even move.

"I promised I wouldn't leave didn't I?" He said, as we both laughed a little. "And anyway, you looked really cute and I didn't feel like moving."

"You're actually the most comfortable human being in the world," I said, nestling even further into him, as he tangled his legs with mine.

"Well you're pretty comfy to," He replied as I continued to play with the curls on the back of his neck.

"Can we just not move?" I asked, as Brad smiled a little.

"You mean you don't want Nandos?" He replied as if he was incredibly shocked which caused us to both laugh.

"I'd take you over Nandos any day." I said. "And trust me, if I'm choosing you over food, that's saying something."

"I love you," whispered Brad, is warm breath ticking my lips, as if he was almost teasing me.

"I love you too." I replied in the same tone, and I could see I was doing the same thing to him as it wasn't long before his lips collided with mine.

"I'm so glad that I get to do this for as long as I want now." He said as we parted.

"Me too. It's actually the best thing ever." I said, smiling as I slipped out of his arms.

"Nope," Said Brad, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind me and pulling me backwards forcing me to lay down again. Which I was pretty happy about to be honest. I faced away from Brad as his arms remained wrapped around me from behind and I placed my hands on top of his and inter locked our fingers.

"We really have to get up," I said, a little reluctantly as I saw the time was 6:00.

"We will," Brad whispered, his warm breath tickling the skin on my neck. "Just not yet," He continued as he began tenderly kissing the side of my neck, making goose bumps form all over my body.

"B...Brad," I said, trying to form a sentence. "It's like 6, we, umm, we really should..." I tried to continue but the feeling of Brad kissing me was just to much to handle. I felt him smile against my skin, as he continued to kiss my neck and he slowly moved down and began kissing the top of my back gently.

"So Nandos?" He said, as he stopped kissing me.

"Yeah, umm, yeah." I replied, blushing uncontrollably.

"You're so cute," Said Brad kissing my cheek.

"Well, I try." I replied laughing a little as I turned over briefly to kiss him before we got up. Brad went over to open the door before putting the room key in his pocket and as he did so, I jumped on his back, causing him to catch me in mid air, giving me a piggy back.

"Guess I'm carrying you to the lift?" He asked, laughing a little, as I smiled as if to indicate that the answer was yes. "Well if it means I get a hug all the way there, I'm up for that." He added, as I leant back slightly to close the bedroom door, before he began walking. I wrapped my arms around him, and kissed his neck gently every so often, and I felt goosebumps form on his body as I did so, making my cheeks turn crimson. I planted one more kiss on his neck before he placed me down on to floor as we entered the lift.

"Shit I've still got mascara everywhere!" I exclaimed as I saw my reflection in the shiny marble wall of the lift, my face patterned with faint little mascara trails from where I had been crying earlier.

"Come here," He said, gently wiping my cheeks to get rid of the mascara that lay there. "There, good as new." He added, pecking my cheek.

"Thank you." I replied smiling as he grabbed my hand, and we walked together to meet the others in the lobby.


Hey Guys! Thank you for reading! Please comment and vote! I'd love to hear form you all! Also, if you have any requests or suggestions, then please let me know! Feel free to follow me as well!

Much Love

Phoebe xxx

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