I Didn't See This Happening

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I woke up to the sound of my phone going off, and as I picked it up the screen flashed with the word 'Brad' and my heart sunk a little.

"Hey," I said as I reluctantly answered the phone.

"Hiya, I'm on my way over, if that's still okay."

"Yeah, it's fine." I replied.

"Hope I didn't wake you up," He said, actually sounding a little concerned.

"Umm, no no, I got up about half an hour ago." I lied.

"Oh good, okay well I'll see you in a second?"

"Yeah, alright. Bye" I replied.

"Bye," Said Brad as I hung up the phone. I decided to make my way downstairs, in order to at least make it look like I had been up. Before I knew it there was a slight knock at the door, and I sighed a little as I went to open it.

"Morning," Said Brad as he saw me.

"Hey," I replied. "Come in," I added, letting him inside.

"Thanks," He said. "Sorry I'm kind of early,"

"It's no problem, I was only going to be here alone all day anyway so I guess you did me a favour."

"Ha, this is a really nice place," Said Brad, slipping off his shoes.

"Thank you," I replied, as we both walked into the living room. "Have a seat," I added as Brad sat down on the sofa next to me. "So," I said, turning sideways and crossing my legs on the sofa so I was facing him.

"So," He replied as we both laughed a little. "Look, Sophia, I just want to say that I'm sorry. I know that the guys were complete arseholes and I know that it must have been horrific for you to go through." He said, his eyes locked on to mine.

"It's just...Brad I had no one to go to you know? I couldn't tell anyone about anything because I was so afraid that all that was going to happen was it would get worse."

"I know...I know." He said, looking down.

"I get it wasn't just you Brad. I really do. But you have no idea how hard it was for me to even get out of bed everyday and go to deal with that bullshit 24/7. My best friends don't even know what I went through, and to just sit there, and keep going like nothing was happening? I just..." I suddenly stopped as I felt lump appear in my throat, and my vision was slowly turning blurry, I took a deep breath as I continued. "It just felt like everyone was just standing around and watching me, and listening to all these snidey little comments and didn't feel like doing anything."

"Listen, Sophia, I get it. I honestly, honestly do. I tried to stop them..."

"What?" I interrupted. "You tried to stop it?"

"Yeah...I did." He replied.

"Then why was it, whenever you were standing around with those dicks, you just went along with it?"

"Because I was so worried about being accepted, and just fitting in that I was completely oblivious that I was trying to fit in with a bunch of twats. Sophia I did want to help you. Remember when you came into school early that day? And there were those posters they had made of you? That were put up everywhere around the school?"

"Yeah..." I replied, thinking back to that day.

"And then you came out of the toilets, and there was nothing there anymore?"

"Wait how did you know I went into the...oh my god." I said, as I could feel a slight smile creeping across my face. "You took them down?"

"Yeah." Replied Brad, now smiling at me to.

"Brad...I...I don't even know what to say..." I replied, utterly in shock.

"You don't need to say anything. It was the right thing to do, and I couldn't see you get hurt like that. It just wasn't fair."

"Well don't I feel like a bitch now..." I said, burying my head in my hands.

"What are you talking about?" Asked Brad.

"I was such a fucking idiot. Taking everything out on you in the car yesterday. I didn't even know. I'm really sorr..."

"You don't need to apologise to me Soph." I almost smiled at the fact that he was calling me Soph now. I guess it kind of marked the start of moving on.

"No I do!" I replied.

"You really...really don't. I deserve it. You were right. I should have done something productive, something that would have stopped them from being such jerks all the time."

"It's not your fault Brad. I don't expect you to take the fall for them arseholes." I replied smiling. "Can I get you a drink or anything? I'm doing tea if you want some?"

"Yeah, please that would be great."

"Milk? Sugar?" I asked, leaving the room.

"Milk, no Sugar please." He replied. I gave him small smile as I went into the kitchen to make the tea. Maybe he's not such a dick. I thought to myself as I was making the drinks. All these years I've been blaming Brad just as much as I was blaming the other boys, but it wasn't his fault and I couldn't shake the fact that I felt ridiculously guilty. "Thank you," He said, as I placed the mug down on the table that sat by the sofa. "You okay?" He asked me, as he clearly caught onto the fact that I felt like crap.

"I just feel so terrible...I mean all that stuff I said to you in the car..."

"Soph, trust me it's okay. You had to put up with those guys for years, and it's just like you said, I did nothing to help you."

"You did help me Brad. You took down those posters and you tried to get them to stop. That's more than what most people would have done."

"But it wasn't enough." He replied.

"It wasn't your fault." I said, as he looked at me. I could see he clearly felt guilty about what him and the other guys had put me through over the past few years. Well, it wasn't really him I guess, but he still held himself accountable for it. "Hey, don't you go going all soft on me now Simpson." I added, pulling him into a hug, as he wrapped his arms around me to. "You know I didn't see this happening today." I said, as we both laughed.


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Much Love

Phoebe xxx

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