Would It Be Totally Crazy?

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"No...Jack please don't." I said, my voice shaking in terror as Jack slowly approached me.

"Shhhh baby, any louder and Bradley will hear us," He whispered, a smirk creeping across his face.

"J...Jack...p...please dont." I repeated, as he placed his hands sternly on my hips pulling me closer to him.

"Shhh." He said once again, forcing his lips onto mine.

"N...no," I mumbled, trying to push him off of me but he was just to strong. Jack wrapped his arms around the back of me, keeping me in place, despite the fact that I was doing all I could to shove him off. He slowly pushed me backwards, onto the bed, making me lie down, as his lips connected with the skin on my neck harshly. "Please, Jack." I said, trying to get him away.

"Sophia?" Suddenly Brads voice filled my ears, encasing me in relief.

"Brad oh my god," Said Jack, faking the fact that he was in shock. "Dude, she just kissed me, I don't know what happened. She told me you two had broken up," He added, glancing at me; his eyes filled with vanity and power.

"Brad, thats not true. Please Brad," I said, as I felt tears fill my eyes.

"How could you Soph?" He replied, as he to began to cry. "I...I loved you." He stuttered.

"Brad..." I whispered in desperation.

"No." He inturrupted, cutting me off. "Thats it." Added Brad, turning around.

"Bradley," I called, but his eyes remained locked forwards. "No, no...Brad." I shouted once again...


"Brad!!" I screamed, sitting up in a jolt; still half asleep, my entire body shaking. "Help me...please. Get me out of here, get me out of here," I said, as I struggled to distinguish between dreams and reality.

"Soph?" I heard a voice say behind me, a voice that I recognised.

"Brad I love you. I love you, not him. Please come back, come back." I said, as the tears started to flow down my cheeks.

"Babe, babe, its me. It's okay." Said the voice once again, as I felt a warm hand touch my shoulder.

"No," I snapped, immediately assuming it was Jack. "Don't, don't, don't. Please, please, don't" I begged, trying to get away.

"Hey, hey," The voice whispered, pulling me further towards him. "Soph, babe, look at me." It said, placing a hand on my cheek. I managed to focus my eyes on his face, and the slightly disheveled curls sent a wave of relief flooding all over me.

"B...Brad?" I stuttered, my body still shaking.

"Yeah, it's me Soph." He replied, stroking my cheek with his thumb. "Come here," He whispered, pulling me closer, and resting his hand on the back of my head, stroking my hair soothingly.

"I...I thought...you left me..." I said into him, unable to control my sobbing.

"Shhh baby girl, it was just a dream. You're okay. I've got you." He replied, holding me close to his chest. "I'll never leave you. Never."

"It...it was Jack. I dreamt that he was kissing me, and I didn't want him to. Then you walked in, saw me and him, and then left me." I confessed, through multiple tears.

"Hey," He said, pushing me backwards slightly, so I was looking at him. "I'm not going to let that happen...ever. I swear babe." Added Brad, wiping the tears from my cheeks.

"Would it be totally crazy...if we just had a make-out sesh right now?" I asked, my cheeks burning as the words slipped out of my mouth.

"Probably," Said Brad, smiling. "But I'm a crazy guy," He continued, winking before pulling me closer to him once again. He connected his lips with mine, and we moved in perfect synchronisation, with his hands resting on my lower back, his fingertips sitting just below the waistband of my pyjama shorts, connecting with the skin. I moved my hands up to his hair and tugged slightly, causing Brad to moan into our kiss, as his tongue brushed my bottom lip, and I greeted it with my own turning my cheeks red. Suddenly he pushed me backwards and straddled me, and his lips traced my jawline, sending chills down my spine. I bit my lip gently as his lips came into contact with the skin on my neck, before he made his way down to my collarbone.

"Mmmmm," I said, smiling as he carefully peppered it with kisses. "Brad," I whispered, as he gently bit the skin that lay there.

"Is that okay baby?" He whispered, his breath tickling my skin.

"Yeah," I breathed, as we both laughed, before his lips came into contact with my collar bone again. I felt him smile against me before he began gently sucking on the skin, causing my cheeks to turn crimson, as my heart pounded. I bit my lip once again as his lips left my collarbone, leaving a definite bruise behind.

"Could Jack do that in your dream?" He asked, making us both laugh.

"Shut up, dick head." I replied, smiling as I pulled him closer and locked my lips on his.

"I'm just going to get some water," Said Brad, slipping out of the bed and making his way over to the table, taking a sip out of a glass that sat there. God he looked so perfect with his disheveled bed head, and his calvin klein boxers sitting just below his t-shirt. I quickly got up from the bed and ran over to him, as his lips instantly connected with mine.

"What was that for?" Brad asked, smiling.

"Shh," I said, pulling him closer and locking my lips on his, moving them passionately. I pushed him backwards, so that he was up against the wall. I continued to kiss him, as he placed his hand on my cheek, keeping my lips connected with his. Brad turned around with me so that now my back was to the wall, and his hands slid down to my upper thighs gesturing for me to wrap them around him. I did so, and the rings on his fingers coming into contact with my skin resulted in goosebumps forming all over me. I nestled my head into his neck, and gently began kissing it. Suddenly I felt Brads legs buckle slightly as we laid down on the bed once again. I straddled his lap before my lips crashed onto his, and his tounge brushed over my bottom lip, and I greeted it with mine. Brads lips moved quicker against mine, making our kiss more heated, and his hands rested on my hips. I detached my lips from his, and traced his jawline with them, as I could feel his breathing quickening and his grip on me tightened as I continued to tease him.

"Sophia," He half whispered, half breathed in desperation.

"Yes Bradley?" I replied, allowing my lips to tickle his skin.

"You're killing me here,"

"Gooooodddd," I said, before finally connecting my lips with his neck, and I could feel him smiling as I continued to kiss him. "I love you," I whispered, fiddling with the hem of his t-shirt.

"I love you too princess," He replied, pulling it off over his head. Brads hands slid down towards my bottom, and suddenly I felt butterflies in the pit of my stomach. "Babe," Said Brad, obviously sensing I wasn't totally comfortable. "Don't worry. I'm not going to do anything you don't want to," He said, making me smile, as I rested my forehead on his.

"It's not that I don't want to. I just...I'm not ready yet." I confessed.

"I'll wait forever." He replied. "I love you so much," Added Brad, pecking my neck.

"God you're so fucking perfect," I replied.

"And you're so fucking adorable," He replied.

Hey Guys!! I was feeling nice so I thought I'd update again for you! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Feel free to follow me! Also please vote and comment, is love to hear from you all let me know what you think!

Much Love

Phoebe xxx

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