Kiss me?

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"You okay sleepy?" Said Brad, as I woke up to him watching Hawaii 5.0.

"Shhh," I said, putting my hand over his face jokingly, as he kissed it gently. "This is crazy," I whispered, smiling at him.

"I know," He replied, laughing a little. "Crazy, but perfect." He said, brushing strand of hair from my face, making me smile a little.

"Sophia?" Said a voice that I recognized as my Mum's coming from the other side of the front door.

"Shit!" Brad whispered, as we both began laughing.

"Hide!" I replied, getting up as he did the same, and scanned the room for places to go.

"Soph?" Called mum once again.

"Coming mum!" I replied. "There!" I said, pointing to the little gap I had between the two sofas, as Brad clambered inside. "Shhh!" I replied laughing as I went to answer the door.

"Hey Mum! Hey Dad!" I exclaimed, as they pulled me into a hug.

"Hey darling," Replied Mum. "Look we won't come in as we were just on our way home from the shops, and you're probably busy, but we just wanted to say how proud we are of you!"

"Proud of me?" I asked smiling.

"Anastasia told us about you and her going to America with Tristan and the band! We bumped into them at the supermarket." Said Dad. "Congratulations hun." He added.

"Aww thank you!" I replied.

"Make sure you come and see us before you leave!" Said Mum.

"Of course I will! I'll text you during the week and arrange a day?" I suggested.

"Alright sweetheart. See you soon." Said Dad, as we said our goodbyes.

"See you soon!' I called waving, as they drove away. I closed the door and as I turned around, Brad was standing just behind me. "Well hey," I said, placing my hand on his chest.

"Hey," He replied pulling me closer.

"What is it with you and me now? No matter where I go you seem to be wanting to kiss me..." I said, teasing him a little.

"And what if you're right?" He replied, holding both of my hands in his.

"Well then Simpson, I guess there's not much I can do about it..." I said, smiling at him. "But run away!" I exclaimed, laughing as my hands broke free from his and I darted into the living room before I dived on the sofa, hiding my head in a pillow. "Brad stop!!" I said, laughing as he sat on top of me gently and began to tickle my ribs. "Stop!" I said, trying to push his hands off of me but he was to strong. I know... I said to myself, as I pulled Brad closer and allowed my lips to connect with his. Almost immediately his hands stopped tickling my sides, as we moved in perfect synchronisation with one another. Brad's hand moved down to my waist as he slowly moved closer to me, supporting his weight with his other arm. We continued to kiss, and to be honest I didn't want him to move. We eventually parted, slightly breathless, and I could see his cheeks were red.

"For someone that was questioning me about wanting to kiss you," Brad began, "you sure seem to be enjoying it," He whispered, smiling.

"Don't push it Simpson. You know that is literally the most cliché way of getting me to kiss you?" I replied, nudging him, as we both laughed a little. "You're so cute when you're blushing," I added.

"Well when you're kissing me like that there's not much I can do," He said, smiling, as I pecked his cheek. "Listen, I know I stayed over last night but I don't want you to think that I have to stay over again. I can leave whenever you want me to."

"Like I'm going to make you leave," I whispered, running my hand through his curls, before our lips connected once again. "Shall I go make us some food?" I asked, between our kisses.

"I'm not really hungry," Replied Brad, "are you?" He whispered.

"No..." I replied, as we kissed once again. We both smiled slightly, and continued to kiss, until we parted smiling at each other.

"Holy crap," I said, "I didn't realise it was 11:30!"

"Neither did I!" Replied Brad. He whined slightly as I slid out from underneath him.

"C'mon," I said taking his hand before leading him up the stairs. Brad sat down on my bed, and I soon joined him by straddling his lap, and ruffling his hair with my hands, making him laugh a little.

"You're so beautiful..." Whispered Brad, placing a hand on my cheek. I looked down and smiled at the floor as he said that.

"You think I'm beautiful?" I questioned.

"Of course I do...I always have."

"But what about..." I began, as I thought back to the times that the guys at school had called me ugly...

"Shhhh," He whispered, edging ever closer to me as if he too didn't want to relive those memories. I bit my lip as Brad was only inches away from me. Just as I was about to kiss him, he moved away from me slightly, making me wince a little. "Now who wants to kiss me eh?" He said, laughing.

"Shut up," I replied, as I could feel my cheeks burning. I gently pushed him backwards, so that I was laying on top of him, and I carefully kissed his lips. Our kiss was slow and passionate, but not begging for more. I could tell we were both happy just to be next to each other. Brad rolled onto his side and wrapped his arm around me before we both drifted off into a deep and comfortable sleep.


Hey Guys! Long time no update! Sorry I haven't be very active lately, I've been sooo busy with school work it's crazy :( hopefully I'll be a bit more active soon! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! More coming shortly!

Much Love

Phoebe xxx

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