The Things They Come Up With

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"W-wait Sophia..." Whispered Brad stopping my movement towards the end of the corridor. "Soph please...I-I can't."

"Bradley Will Simpson, you can do this. Okay? You can." I replied softly, kissing his lips.

"Okay." He whispered taking a deep breath. I smiled at him and took his hand as we walked towards the backstage area.

"Sorry, only band members and the team are allowed back here," Said a man dressed in black clothes with a bulky black belt around his waist; who appeared a little to full of himself, as he guarded the entrance to the backstage area.

"I-ummm," I stuttered, trying to think of a reasonable explanation.

"She is part of the team," Brad said firmly, as he pulled me past the guard who looked a little displeased with his actions.

"Joe chill out man..." Said a voice I recognised as Tris' a few meters away. As we made our way towards the boys and Ana, the room glowed a blue-ish purple, painted by the lights of the stage, the bass of the supporting band sending tiny earthquakes through my body.

"Where is that boy?" Said Joe, still unaware that we were heading straight for him.

"Right here?" Brad replied, laughing as we eventually reached the group.

"Alright guys! That's us for tonight! We really hope you enjoy the rest of the show, thanks so much for having us!" Said a male voice from the stage, followed by a group of ever so slightly warm boys piling off of the stage.

"Well done guys," Said Tris, high giving one of them.

"Cheers mate," Replied a blonde boy as they exited the backstage area.

"You guys are on in five," Joe resumed our briefly interrupted conversation and got up off the black box he was perched on that had T H E V A M P S printed on it in white bold writing.

"Alright," Brad breathily whispered, and I could almost see his heart beating in his chest.

"Calm down..." I whispered. "You're fine." Brad nodded slightly as Joe approached us.

"I hate to break this up, but I thought you and Ana might want to watch the show from the front row?" Joe asked, as my eyes lit up and connected with Ana's who's were equally as ecstatic.

"That would be amazing Joe, thank you." I replied, turning to face Brad as Joe left to do something with the tech team - pre-show preparations I assume. "Right then mister man, I'm going to go take my seat!" I exclaimed, as Brad took my other hand in his so we were standing opposite each other, both of our hands interlocked, and swinging slightly in the air.

"I don't know what I'm going to do. What if I freeze when I get out there?" He asked, and I smiled at how adorable he was being.

"Then just look at me and pretend you're singing to me sitting in that field by our tent on my birthday." I suggested as he smiled at the floor. "You got this Simp." I added as we both laughed slightly.

"I love you Sophia."

"I love you Bradley," I replied.

"To the moon and back,"

"Infinity and beyond." I concluded, before I attached my lips to Brad's briefly.

"Ready Soph?" Ana asked as I found her standing next to me.

"Yep!" I said, popping the 'p'.

"Break a leg boys!" I called, hugging them all before we departed from the backstage area following a security guard to our seats. I turned back quickly to see the boys rubbing their chins together before laughing at each other hysterically. The things they come up with. I thought to myself, as we reached the auditorium. Ana and I took our seats, and looked upwards slightly at the drums set up on stage in front of a large screen that remained black.

"They're going to kill it," Ana said smiling.

"Yeah they are." I replied, and that was when the house lights dimmed...


"Well LA aren't you bloody incredible?" Said Brad into his microphone, his curls now damp with sweat and dangling loosely on his forehead, although I'm not surprised the amount they've been jumping around its hard to believe they haven't taken off yet! "Now this next song, is one thats particularly close to me, because it's one I wrote for a girl that..." Brad began, picking up an acoustic guitar and looping the strap behind his neck. "Well...a girl that I love, and I want to spend the rest of my life with." He continued, speaking into the mic once again. The entire arena was filled with a series of 'awe's' coming from female mouthes, and I felt my cheeks flush red. "So if you have a light please put it in the air. This is Shout About It..." Brad concluded, as the crowd cheered briefly before the entire auditorium was filled with artificial white stars rocking from left to right. I couldn't help but smile while Brad's eyes locked on mine as he began singing...

If you want words to put your mind at rest tonight,
Come and shout about it,
We can talk for a hundred miles and drive,
Where you're less surrounded,
Cause I can see, that the candle you hold inside,
Has a cloud around it,
How can a heart like yours be that high and dry,
When it burns the brightest?

I'm so sorry if I can't stop myself from staring at you,
When you're tired and blue,
My dear,
It's just any reason I get to be closer to you,
I want to shout about it,
Oh I want to shout about it...


Hey you beautiful people! So that's the end of Finally Falling! I really hope you have enjoyed this story as much as I have writing it for you all!

So, for those of you who have read my previous fan fiction 'All I Want To Be Is Somebody To You' I have decided to write a sequel because of all of your positive feedback and requests! That will be going up very soon!


If you guys want me to write an Epilogue chapter or two for this book, explaining what happens to Sophia and Brad a few years on then please comment and let me know and I'll be sure to get it done for you!

Thanks again for reading, commenting and voting, you guys are so incredible and it means the world to me to have your support. Speak to you soon!

Much Love

Phoebe xxx

Finally Falling...A Bradley Simpson FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now