Make You Proud

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"Hiya," I said as Brad and I clambered into the back of the Taxi. "201 Finlay Avenue please?" I asked the driver who nodded, indicating that he knew where it was.

"So when was the last time you saw your uncle?" Asked Brad as the Taxi began moving.

"Last year to be honest. I haven't really been out here since everything happened. I know he'll be happy to see me though, we always were really close." I said, as Brad took my hand.

"How'd he take everything?" Asked Brad.

"Not to well to be honest. It destroyed him losing his wife, but after the funeral he got better, and he was back to his normal self after about 6 months. Well," I stopped myself. "As normal as you can be after going through that I suppose. But you know the worst part?"

"Go on?" Said Brad.

"The day after my auntie passed away, their only son - David - asked my uncle to sell the house, and downsize because he could use the money. Then when my uncle refused, David just walked out. My uncle hasn't seen him since." I confessed.

"Oh my god. That's terrible!" Said Brad, squeezing my hand.

"So yeah, the family and David aren't on very good terms..." I confessed.

"Here we are." Said the Taxi driver as we pulled up outside my uncles house. "That's $10.62 please." He said. I handed him eleven dollars before we got out of the car and made our way up to the front door. I took a deep breath as we approached the wooden frame, and I planted three gentle knocks on the wood.

"Sophia!" Exclaimed my uncle as he opened the door.

"Hey Uncle George," I replied as he pulled me into a hug.

"And whose this handsome young man?" He asked, smiling at Brad.

"I'm Bradley Simpson," Replied Brad.

"George Baker," He said as my uncle shook his hand.

"My boyfriend," I continued.

"Ahh that's lovely Sophia, oh auntie sylv would be so proud of you." He said, smiling at the both of us. "Come in, come in," he continued standing aside for us to enter. "So what brings you to this neck of the woods eh?" He asked.

"Brads in a band called The Vamps, and they're on tour out here," I replied as we slipped off our shoes and made our way towards the living room.

"Ahh well congratulations Bradley! I trust we'll be hearing you on the radio every day soon enough!" Exclaimed my uncle.

"Thank you very much," Replied Brad. Just as I was about to enter the living room I was forced to stop in my tracks as a figure was sat lazily infront of me. Slouching on the sofa, with the same head of smooth black hair that I could recognise anywhere.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I said bluntly.

"Well it's lovely to see you too Sophia." He replied.

"Oh piss off David." I exclaimed rolling my eyes, as he got up.

"I've missed you cuz!" He said smiling at Brad as if he was some angel child, as he went to give me a hug.

"You touch me and I swear to got I will knock you out..." I said coldly.

"Bring it," Replied David.

"Try me arsehole." I said, as Brad grabbed my hand, snapping me out of my argument.

"Who's curly?" Asked David, sitting down once again.

"None of your business." I replied.

"I think a random boy holding your hand has something to do with me." He snapped back. Patronising me.

"Don't try to talk down to me David. That may have worked on your ex girlfriend but it won't work on me." I paused before continuing. "And he's not just a random boy I pulled off the street."

"Well let me put it this way. We're family Soph. I should know." He said, trying to sound sweet and innocent.

"Family? Please, you don't know the meaning of the word. You're no family of mine. Family don't try to take away a widows house because he could use the money you dick head!" I exclaimed.

"Family are supposed to help each other. Not just shut them out when they make one mistake!" He shouted.

"So we shut you out did we? Bullshit! David you left your own father to grieve on his own while you fucked off with your girlfriend when he refused to sell the house! You call that helping each other do you? Honestly you're such a fucking bastard!" I exclaimed.

"Baby...calm down." Whispered Brad, holding my hand a little tighter.

"Brad I can't." I replied, turning around to face him. "I can't." I repeated, my hands shaking. " this is my auntie and uncles house. I can't see all their memories stripped away like that. I won't."

"David. Out." Said Uncle George firmly.

"See you soon Paps!" Said David, smiling at me as he spoke.

"I swear to god I'm going to fucking..."

"Shhh." Said Brad pulling me closer.

"I'm sorry Uncle George. I didn't mean to cause a row."

"It's alright sweetheart," He replied, placing his hand on my cheek. "And dont worry, I'm not selling this house for all the money in the world." He added.

"George could I use your toilet quickly please?" Brad asked.

"Yeah course you can, it's upstairs, and the first door on the left." Replied my uncle.

"Thank you!" Said Brad going upstairs.

"I'm going to go and see Auntie Sylv," I said to my uncle was we entered the kitchen.

"Alright darling, I'll have a cuppa ready for you when you get back." Replied my uncle.

"Okay, thank you!" I said, making my way outside. My auntie and uncle owned a huge house with a very large garden, that I'd always loved, and coming back out here sent my mind flailing back to all the times we had shared. As I continued to walk, a tall willow tree stood proud in front of me at the foot of the garden, and beneath it, was a small tomb stone, with the words; 'In loving memory of Sylvia Baker. A caring wife, mother, sister and Aunt who will be dearly missed. We love you Sylv.' Engraved on it. Below this her most favourite saying was engraved in flowing writing; 'The sea air provides food for the lungs and happiness for the heart.' I sunk to my knees as I read those words, and the pain of losing her hit me once again. I just couldn't believe she was gone, even after a year it feels like it all happened yesterday. I put my head in my hands and before I knew it I was balling... Which had come to be quite a regular occurrence for me whenever I'm sat at her grave. "I miss you Auntie. I miss you so much. I-I" I stuttered trying to talk. "I want you to meet Brad, I want you to meet the boys, and Anastasia. I just want to make you proud."


Hey Guys! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Comment if you want another update today and let me know what you thought if this chapter! Also please vote and follow me!

Much Love

Phoebe xxx

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