Epilogue - Me To...

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"Mummy, where's daddy?"

"He'll be home soon sweetie pie," I replied, walking over to our daughter -Emily- and picking her up, sitting her on the kitchen side.

"Do you think he'll like my drawing?" She asked, smiling at me as I continued stirring the pasta sauce in the pan.

"Daddy will love it darling." I replied, placing the spoon on the side before wiping my hands on the tea towel that hung over the handle of the oven beneath the hob. "Why don't you show it to me?" I added, placing her on the floor as she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the living room. I sat on the sofa as she ran over to the small plastic table she had set up next to the right hand wall. Emily grabbed a piece of paper and handed it to me as I began examining the drawing.

"This is Daddy singing with Uncle Tristan, Uncle James and Uncle Connor." She began, pointing to the figures on the page that were standing on top of a rectangle I assumed to be the stage. "And there's you and me watching them."

"Awww sweetie that's lovely," I replied, smiling at the picture.

"Did Daddy do a show today?" Asked Emily, pulling herself up on the sofa and sitting on my lap.

"No baby girl, not today. He's been in the studio with the boys recording songs," I explained, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I want to write songs one day Mummy, just like you and Daddy," She said smiling as I did as well.

"I'm sure we can make that happen princess," I replied. Suddenly there was a slight knock at the door and Emily's eyes lit up as she hopped off my lap and ran towards the door. I followed her before pulling opening it open revealing a slightly tired looking Bradley on the doorstep, his black guitar case in his right hand.

"Daddy!" Exclaimed Emily, jumping up as Brad caught her with his free arm.

"Hey Emmy-lou," He replied, kissing her forehead and stepping inside, Brad had called her 'Emmy-Lou' since she was born, and I've always been incredibly fond of the nickname. "Hey baby," Brad said as he saw me.

"Hey," I replied smiling as we kissed.

"Daddy, Daddy, come here I made you a picture!" Exclaimed Emily, as Brad placed her on the floor and she grabbed his hand pulling him towards the living room.

"I've got this, you go see her," I said with a smile, taking his guitar from him.

"Thank you baby," Brad replied. I placed the guitar down in the hallway before making my way into the kitchen and dishing up the dinner.

"Brad, Em, Dinner!" I called, placing the three plates down on the table as the pair joined me in the dining room.


"That was amazing baby," Brad said, leaning back in his chair as he finished his dinner.

"Thanks!" I replied, smiling as I noticed Emily had sauce all around her mouth.

"I think someone needs a bath," Suggested Brad as we both laughed at her red-ish face. "All finished Em?" Brad asked as she nodded enthusiastically. "Alright then, bath and bed I think," He added, picking her up out of her chair. "I'll take her tonight if you want babe?" Brad enquired, and I nodded in agreement. "Say Nu-Night to Mummy baby girl,"

"Night Mummy," Said Emily, kissing my cheek.

"Night Night princess. Sweet dreams," I cooed, standing up.

"I'll see you in a second babe," Brad said with a wink as he left the dining room. I smiled as I began clearing away the plates and making my way back into the kitchen before putting them into the dishwasher. Afterwards I entered the living room and switched on my phone to be met with countless twitter notifications and a few text messages; I read those first;

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