I Can't...

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"I can't do this anymore..." I said as Brad walked out of the room, his phone clutched tightly in his hand.

"Can't do what?" Questioned Ana, concern flushing throughout her eyes.

"Stand by and act like everything is okay when it's obviously not. We're all so focused on being calm and happy around Brad we're failing to do what's best for him." I replied

"Soph where are you going?" Asked Tris quickly as I got up.

"I'm going to talk to him..." I confessed not turning around.

"No, Soph. C'mon we spoke about this. We can't rush things..." He began.

"Can't rush things? We're not doing anything! Tris I can see it in your eyes your worried about him. I can tell all of you are. I need to talk to him." I interrupted, turning around to face him.

"We don't even know that there is anything wrong yet," Said Con, as I took a couple of steps forward to join them.

"Con of course we know...how much more proof do we need? The not talking to us the way he used to, the fact that he looks like he hasn't slept properly, the fact that he flinches every time his phone goes off, its obvious. You didn't see him last night. He was different...like something was pulling all the energy and enthusiasm out of him. I've been in that place Con...and it's not pretty. He needs us."

"Soph, just give him some time..." Pleaded James from behind Tris.

"James it's not like that. I know what it's like, better than anyone. If someone is hurting him, it's like you're drowning...while everyone else is looking down at you from above the water. You scream, kick, punch, and try to fight your way to the surface but no matter how hard you try, you just keep sinking. All you need is someone to reach down and pull you to the surface, but no one does because they're 'giving you time' to just sink further..."

"Go..." Said Tris, after what seemed like an eternity if silence, as the message of what I was saying truly hit home. "Go talk to him Soph. Just please, make sure he's okay."

"He'll be fine Tris...I promise," I said, squeezing his arm gently before turning around and leaving the room. As I closed the door behind me I could feel my stomach tying itself in knots, I just wanted him to be okay, to be the Brad we all know. It's not usually me who's the strong one, but these past couple of days I've had to be, and I still don't know why.

"Fuck you!" Brad shouted at his phone as he threw it onto the bed before collapsing onto the floor, and the sound of his identifiable sobs broke my heart into a thousand pieces, and turned my legs to jelly. As much as I wanted to say something, I just couldn't produce the sound yet. I quickly ran over to him, his back rested on the side of the bed as he was slumped onto the floor, his head resting on his knees and his shoulders shaking with each hard cry. "What have I done?" He said to himself, clearly unaware that I was in the room. "She's gone...because I pushed her away. Sophia please...please don't leave me..." He continued crying a little harder. That's it. I said to myself as I sat down beside him and wrapped my arms around his body, causing him to jump slightly at the touch, but soon enough he rested his head on my shoulder and instinctively wrapped his arms around me as I gently played with his hair soothingly.

"Shhhh...I'm not going to leave you Bradley." I said, consoling him as my heart began beating a little faster as this was the first time we'd been alone together after last night, and since then everything has just been a whirlwind of confusion. "Shhhh it's okay babe. I've got you. I'm here. You're okay, you're okay." I added, as his grip on me tightened but his sobs didn't slow.

"S...Soph..." He stuttered, trying to form a sentence. "I'm s...so...sorry." He added in the same tone, before erupting into a whole new chorus of sobs.

Finally Falling...A Bradley Simpson FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now