You won't. We wont.

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"That's true I guess," Said Tris with a slight laugh as Joe and Fin entered the RV, with Dean close behind clutching his large camera in his right hand, attempting not to bash it against the walls.

"Alright guys so we're going to get moving now, have you all decided who's on which bunk and all that shite you do before a trip?" Said Fin. "You should have seen them on the McFly tour. My god they were like a pack of flipping hyenas for the top bunks!" He continued, now speaking to me and Ana as we burst out laughing.

"Hey boys?" I said, still laughing slightly. They all raised their eyebrows as if to say 'yeah?' and I replied with a smug grin plastered upon my face. "Shotgun!" I exclaimed running up to the beds and jumping on one of the top ones.

"Shotgun!" Brad followed and jumped on the bunk opposite me. We both watched and laughed as Connor and James jumped onto the other top two and Anastasia and Tristan got inside the bottom ones beneath Brad and I, leaving Joe, Dean and Fin to their set of bunks.

"Was that what they did on the McFly tour?" Asked Ana jokingly as Fin nodded, making us all laugh.

"So what's the plan? Fin you said the boys were performing today?" Asked Ana, hopping off of the bed and going to her bag, pulling out a hairbrush and putting her hair in a pony tail.

"Yeah that's right, we'll be at the arena in about 20 minutes." Replied Fin, shoving his bag on a bed.

"Great!" I replied, hopping off of my bed and onto Brad's. I noticed his hands were shaking, and he suddenly went super pale. I knew exactly what was going through his brain. He was stressing again, about the show, and about making us proud. I intwined my fingers with his and he sighed at the touch, smiling down at our interlocked fingers. "I'm so excited for this show, it's going to be so good!" I exclaimed.

"I hope so!" Replied Con. "Fingers crossed I won't fall off of the stage again...single handedly the most embarrassing moment of my life."

"Aww Con," Said Ana as she finished styling her hair.


"Yep okay you guys are in the dressing room that's straight down the hall and the third to the right. You'll have two supporting acts this evening, which will commence at 6:30 sharp. You'll hear a half hour, fifteen minute, five minute, two minute, and final call to stage being relayed over the loudspeaker in your dressing room. If possible it would be great if you could be in wings after your fifteen minuet call sounds so we can have you ready. Other than that we hope you have an amazing show! Break a leg boys!" Said the woman behind the reception desk as she gave us our backstage passes.

"Thanks!" Tris chirped as we followed the woman's directions. Eventually we reached a red door with a piece of paper cellotaped on it with the words THE VAMPS printed on the page.

"Here we go," Said Joe pushing open the door. The room was relatively basic, with a white counter top, two brown leather sofas, a small table in the far right hand corner, and mirrors lined the wall above the counter but stopped at the small wardrobe that sat at the left hand end of the room. The boys filed in followed by Ana and I. Brad placed his bag on the countertop before slumping down on the chair and pulling me onto his lap. His head found its way to my neck and he nestled into me, his curls tickling the skin. I couldn't deny that I loved it when he was like this, so clingy and cuddley, it would probably make some girls want to back away fast, but me? Well it just made me love him even more every day. I sat smiling like a Cheshire Cat staring at our hands as I played with the rings that rested on his fingers.

"Ana you know how much you love meeeeeee...." Tris wined.

"What Tristannnnnn??" Ana asked clearly suspecting that he wanted something.

"Can you get us starbucks? I saw one on the way in and now I'm desperate..." He asked, flashing his puppy dog eyes at her as she sighed loudly. If there's one thing Tristan knew how to do, it's win Ana over with his flipping puppy dog eyes.

"Sophiaaaaa??" Ana asked.

"Yes I'll come with you Anastasia," I said rolling my eyes and laughing as Brad wined into my neck. "I'll be back in a second okay?" I whispered before getting up. "What do you guys want?"

"I'll have a skinny laté please," said James as I typed his order onto the notes of my phone.

"A cappuccino please," Said Con, as I nodded.

"Babe?" I asked, as Brad smiled at me.

"One of whatever you're getting baby."

"Hot chocolate it is then!" I said smiling back at him.

"Times three!" Tristan piped up.


"Just a cappuccino please Soph," He replied.

"Fin? Dean?" Ana asked, as they walked in and they exchanged confused looks at her.

"Coffee." I answered their hypothetical question.

"Ohhh," They all said laughing slightly.  We took their orders before making our way towards he door. I suddenly felt the slightly cold chill of cotton lining wrap around my body, and I smiled as I slipped my arms into Brad's leather jacket.

"It's cold," He whispered, causing the blood to rush to my cheeks.

"Love you," I whispered.

"I love you too," He replied as Ana and I slipped out of the room and made our way to Starbucks.

"How's Brad holding up?" Ana asked as we exited the arena.

"I think he's okay, just a bit worried about the show you know? Gosh I would be if I were them!" I exclaimed, pushing my hands into the pockets of the jacket, taking in the sent of Brad's cologne that radiated off of the material.

"Yeah, it makes sense. I'm so happy you're with him. He's perfect for you. " Ana said smiling at me, as I smiled back at her.

"Thank you Ana. You and Tris were goals from day one!" I exclaimed making us both laugh. "Ana, I know everything is going to change now, with the boys getting bigger and everything but, I don't want us to change you know? Our friendship with each other and with the boys, I don't want to lose that." I confessed, looking at the floor.

"You won't. We won't. It's like we've always said, we were sisters separated at birth! There's no way they could break us apart!" She said, wrapping her arm around my shoulders briefly as we walked.


Hey Guys! I really hoped you enjoyed this chapter! I think this story is coming to a close now, so I think there will only be one or two chapters left! 😱😔 but don't worry, I already have another story in the works for you all! Please vote and comment, I'd love to hear from you all! Also feel free to follow me!

Much Love

Phoebe xxx

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