{1} museum pact

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Oh my god oh my god I can't believe I'm finally writing this.

P.S. take a shot every time "boba dude" is mentioned. (y'all gonna get so drunk lmao)


|12 hours ago|

Sunny, unlike the past few days, this day finally seemed to spark some joy and bring forth another reason to be gleeful apart from his usual cup of caramel macchiato from his favourite café. It was no surprise that it tasted the same every day, as if its flavour had been well thought once and carefully crafted with the same essence and technique in mind. It wasn't really a piece of cake to live up to the standard everyday.

For real, foods and beverage workers do not get appreciated enough.

After three continuous days of heavy downpour, the city people were finally out, breathing the fresh open air and witnessing the majestic and unveiled beauty of the sun. It was 11 in the morning and he wouldn't lie, he had been kind of slagging off these past few days; reaching late to the office, not being able to focus and building up excuses so as to not get anymore cases.

It is said that the weather affects your mood. Maybe it was the romantic, fiction-like and slouchy nature of the rain that made him this way but with the brand new rays of the sun making a comeback, he promised himself to become more diligent.

His home being quite nearby, he usually walked his way to the office. Sipping his coffee with thoughts of starting anew, he made it there. However, before he could even enter, he heard a distant voice.

"Hey, Jimin!"

The mentioned boy turned around to find Kai running up to him. He was an amazing colleague, a great friend and an extremely hardworking person. A scholar detective with a successful love history. Jimin had to admit that Kai was literally out here living the best life out of all the people he knew in this profession.

"What's the hurry, Kai?"

"It's the boba dude."

Taking a last sip from his expensive coffee, creating a rather unpleasant sound, Jimin looked up at him in an awful attempt to control his laughter.

"I can't believe such a smart dude like you is so worked up about the boba dude. What even did he do?" He asked, completely amused, trying to hide his laughter behind smiles as he threw the cup into the nearest trashcan.

"He's refusing to bring boba today."

Just as those words left Kai's mouth, Jimin's eyes widened as an instinct. This was honestly the least expected scenario out of all. He quickly had a look at his wrist watch to recheck the time, having a hard time believing all of this.

"But boba dude is already an hour late. Our drama queen needs it at sharp 9 in the morning. Has there been no action from the office yet?"

Kai shook his head as a no.

"Well, this is a fun morning already." Jimin said, peeking at the boba shop right across from the office. It sold one of the best boba in the whole locality and one particular boogie in their unit loved it. He wouldn't compromise it for anything and wouldn't even think of starting his day without the aforementioned drink.

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