{5} compelling boy

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"Good evening, Detective Park." Said Jungkook, clad in his formal black shirt, with a slight smirk on his face as he leaned over the window of the car, face insanely close to Jimin's.

Jimin's heart almost stopped beating for a second. He couldn't believe his carelessness had put him in a state like this. Taehyung at the other end, who had become very well aware of the situation was left quite surprised.

"Hey, Mr. Jeon." Jimin spoke nervously, flashing his pretty smile.

"I know you were following me. That's why I stopped the car." Great for him, it was an empty road at the moment, away from the city's traffic.

"Apologize." Taehyung whispered through the earpiece. It was really fortunate that it was attached to only one of his ears, which was away from Jungkook's view.

"I'm sorry about that. I won't bother you again." Jimin knew it was the best to listen to the advice and stop this right then and there. Jungkook was no easy man.

"As you should." Jungkook leaned in a bit further, as if examining the detective's appearance and trying to intimidate him at once.

"I don't want my personal life to be affected by any of this." He mumbled, a sarcastic smile instinctively making its way to his face. It didn't take him long until he forced himself away from Jimin's car and quickly drove off in his own.

Jimin could finally release the breath he had been holding in for so long.

"Gosh, Taehyung, he's so difficult."

"Mhm, I know. Anyway, you can go back home now. You did what you could."

"Thank goodness. Bye."

While Jimin had decided to head back home to his mother, on the other hand Jungkook's anger had shot up off the roof. Those fucking detectives. How dare they follow him in his activities? He had realised midway that he was being chased and waited for an empty road to come so as to pull his stunt.

Right now, he had come far off already. He hadn't decided to be here, but his anger took him there with no prior warning.

This was not where he had planned to be at night. A silent and eerie road with no cars around. Jungkook laughed. This was so movie-like. The least thing that could happen was for his car to break down. It was all too stupid. He wondered if movies took into consideration if their ideas were practical even.

How could someone's fate be so bad that their car breaks down in the middle of the night in the midst of a silent road with no vehicles around?



Deciding to take a U-turn, his life turned the tables at him as it stopped moving any further.

"Oh come on. This can't be." Jungkook thought it was a silly joke. It wasn't. The car actually won't start.

Worried and dumbfounded, he stepped out of the car to check what had went wrong. His eyes instantly made way to the two punctured tyres of his car. There's no way this rocky road was capable of this disaster.

"What the actual fuck."

When it came to luck, he always seemed to be the kind to run out of it at the worst times. He did not have a spare tyre that day and the car wouldn't dare move any further. He wanted to cry, smash the hell out of the car and dump it in a land filling.

He was still contemplating his thoughts when he found a bright headlight hitting his body. He looked behind to see a car coming from the same direction as he came. A spark of joy, a ray of hope, light in the time of dark; whatever you wanna call it, that's what the car was for him.

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