{33} only vengeance

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[the day of the murder]

Il-han returned to his apartment in a daze.

He was overdosed with heroin. He swore he was trying his best to get over this addiction. The reason for his downfall with Jungkook was his alcohol problem. The reason for his very own downfall in life was heroin. Altogether, he was killing himself.

And Woozi didn't deserve that.

To make a life more thriving and everything a lot better, he was trying. Trying very hard. He had already lost Jungkook and he clearly wasn't ready for another loss. But that bitchass Wonwoo.

Jeon fucking Wonwoo. He hated him so much. It was almost ridiculous. Il-han was forcibly drugged tonight when all he had wanted was to go and see a friend in Happy Hour for a brief minute. He was doing fine until Wonwoo found him and pulled a dirty trick of spiking his drink and later making him drunk enough to get back on the track he had left long ago.

What he didn't expect was Woozi already waiting for him inside. The guy possessed one of the keys to his apartment and showed up whenever he got the chance. It was supposed to be a casual hangout but things took an unexpected turn.

"Are you drunk?" Woozi asked in displeasure, seated on the kitchen island as he watched his boyfriend tumbling inside the apartment.

"Wonwoo...the fucking bastard." He spoke groggily while walking towards Woozi.

Woozi had went to his place in the first place all because he felt lonely back at home. His job left him feeling exhausted and with no company at all. His brother was in a busy profession, how much could he even expect from him? His last resort was always Il-han. But alcohol and drugs wasn't something he could tolerate either.

"Don't come near me, you stink." Woozi turned away from him, highly disappointed in his behaviour.

He was getting better, right? Then what changed? What made him want to change his mind? Did Il-han really not care enough about him anymore? Such thoughts flooded his head.

"But I wanna kiss you." Sure, he wanted to. He adored Woozi. However, he was not in a state to do so. He was a complete mess at the moment.

"No. Go away."

But he didn't. A simple no was hard to take for a man under complete influence of drugs. He was totally gone. However, his subconsciousness didn't mean Woozi's leniency.

Woozi was totally shaken up. Il-han had done tiny ignorable things in the past but right now, he could not bear it. Something in him snapped and he wasn't himself anymore. He was not the younger brother of a cop and a diligent citizen: presently, he was a predator disguised as a prey.

He was assumed to be the prey. But he wasn't. Il-han crossed his limits that night, making Woozi feel like he had lost all his pride and identity altogether. It was terrible. Crying was of no help. The suffering boy who seemed to have tolerance no more was quick to come in his defence.

There were orders, there were pleas. None were complied. Heck, Il-han didn't even know what he was doing as he forced open his boyfriend's jeans. No, he did not have any idea. No, he would've never done that in his sane mind.

But in that moment, that didn't matter. He was doing it regardless and nobody in their right minds could take that torture. It was more of self defence when Woozi picked up one of the knives from the kitchen counter and stabbed the person he had come to seek comfort in that night.

It was quite ironic really. He did not come here planning on committing a crime; a murder at that. He was here to simply get rid of his loneliness, his constant uneasiness.

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