{13} the cheater

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"Huh?" Jungkook didn't seem to be expecting that question.

"Where were you last night at 3 AM?" Taehyung repeated, gaze suddenly hardened as he leaned closer to stare directly into his eyes.

"At home. I had extra work so I had to pull an all nighter." He replied, feeling timid at the seriousness of his tone.

"Do you know that there has been another murder?"

Jungkook's eyes widened at that and he almost gasped. He shook his head, feeling smaller and afraid. Taehyung had sensed the look on the boy's face and he was quite literally the epitome of perplexed and petrified. He bit his lip momentarily before turning his gaze back to Taehyung.

"I have no idea. Who was it?"

"Dr. Jung Hoseok. The doctor in-charge of Il-han's case."

Jungkook visibly gulped, looking away instantly. He looked tensed, as if his heartbeat left him for a minute. Taehyung was smart enough to outwit Jungkook yet again. The recording on his phone was doing its job, the younger completely clueless.

"Are you suspicious of me?" Jungkook did not hesitate to ask, finally making a full eye contact with Taehyung.

"You could say that." Dishonesty was not worth it and Taehyung strongly believed that.

"Is there anything that could testify the fact that you were at home last night at 3 AM?" Taehyung asked again.

Jungkook's hand instantly reached over to his jeans pocket, fetching his phone right away. He was trying to look for something very eagerly. After a minute of searching, he kept his phone on the table, facing upside down. He held his forehead in utter frustration with one of his hands as he passed Taehyung a helpless look.

"Is there any way I can prove my location through my phone? You can have a look through it cause I can't find anything to prove that."

Taehyung was internally surprised, if anything. Nobody offers a detective to look through their phone at random, without them asking. Jungkook was for sure quite trusting.

"No, it's fine. Whenever you have something that could prove it, do contact me. We'll be seeing each other quite often from now on. Let's meet another time and discuss this in detail. You may leave now, they're probably mad at me for keeping you here for so long."

Jungkook nodded, suddenly looking a lot more pale. Taehyung decided to be patient and wait until he leaves so he could keep a check on him. He watched how the moment the younger got up from his spot and started to walk, a wave of dizziness took over him. Before he could take another step, his senses betrayed him and he lost his balance.

Taehyung was quick to catch the younger by his arm, hastily getting up to stabilize him on his spot. The elder's gaze went downwards, noticing that Jungkook had not tripped. His legs had given up on him. It wasn't the time to find out if he had a wound but his legs did seem quite wobbly. He looked drained out, absolutely lacking any sort of energy, eyes struggling to stay open. The elder used one of his hands to hold the boy's face and make him look up to face him.

He noticed how someone from the reception and other people around the canteen had rushed over to them to check up on Jungkook.

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