{19} breakthrough

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Happy Hour was soon going to meet its end. Within the next ten minutes, the preplanned raid would destroy the bar and of course, Jeon Wonwoo himself.

When Seungkwan heard the recording on Taehyung's phone from the day they had met, he was assured that this was legit. The illegal business of the bar was about to shut down. The rest of the police force was on its way already, everything according to plan.

"Good, but are you sure that Wonwoo is still there? What if he ran away already?" Seungkwan asked, ready on his toes.

"Exactly. I will go in right now and check the atmosphere. I'll give you a call the moment I clear it up. Be ready and stay in hiding." Taehyung worded out and hurriedly made his way inside the bar.

This was the final breakthrough. Nothing could go wrong.

The same alcoholics, the same drug addicts, the same disgusting scent hitting his nose, Taehyung knew for a fact that there was no way this place would see the sunrise of the next morning. Sitting down somewhere on a stool near the dance floor, he observed the setting for a good minute. People could be seen sneakily walking upstairs to the first floor, rest were already wasted. It was Taehyung's cue to understand and start the drill.

"Officer Boo Seungkwan." He called up the guy almost instantly as he stealthily walked out through the back door of the bar that he had taken a note of the last time he had visited.


"All clear, bring in everyone. Your time to shine."

Taehyung didn't know the name of the girl he had met last time. But all he did as he hung up the phone to make an easy escape was smile to himself as his thoughts drifted to her beautiful and curious smile.


It was morning. Taehyung had had a good sleep last night, knowing that his first move was successful. The first person he had decided to completely mess up was seated across from him in the interrogation room. Wonwoo was handcuffed, a scowl on his face, something about his body language told Taehyung that he was still slightly high. Just a minute ago, Taehyung had made him hear the recordings from the secret room and his conversation with the girl. There was clearly no way out for him.

"Is the bar owner your uncle?"

No response.

"Mr. Jeon Wonwoo, the evidence is before everyone and you don't seem to be defending yourself at all. Does this mean you're guilty?"

No answer. All he did was shoot invisible daggers with his eyes towards a very calm Taehyung.

"Are you aware of the heroin addicts that you have created? Maybe you've heard of a very recent case which corresponds to a deceased person named Kim Il-han. Do you think you hold any fair share of responsibility?"

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