{20} Sunny's choice

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"Hey, you're here?" Taehyung spoke in surprise as he saw Jimin sitting in his office. It was weird enough since Taehyung had just entered and Jimin, who usually was space oriented was already seated in there as he waited for him.

"Hi. How've you been?"

Taehyung almost raised an eyebrow at that, growing utterly suspicious. Jimin was his best friend, probably the only person in this world he had after his family. However, building up a blinding trust was unnecessary and pointless. So Taehyung never found it strange that he had to overthink everything that Jimin said.

"Good. What's up with you?"

"Nothing. How is the progress in Il-han's case?" Jimin stood up as he walked towards the younger, who was setting up a file of documents on his table.

The expression that Jimin held was stoic, quite nonchalant and empty. Taehyung had sensed that the vibes were off.

"Nothing much. Why?"

"Really, Tae? We are supposed to be partners in this case and you're not sharing anything with me. You investigate by yourself and you even shut down a whole bar by yourself? You know that Wonwoo had something to do with Il-han. Why did you not share that with me?"

Taehyung paused in his movements for a bit, not meeting the other's questioning gaze. Putting his cup of boba aside, he walked forward towards Jimin. Finally looking up to face him, he pocketed his hands as he continued.

"Why do you think I'm doing this? Hiding stuff from everyone."

"Because you still think that Inspector Min has done it. Goodness, what's wrong with you!"

"See, this is why. You're so blinded by love that you're not giving this case your hundred percent. This is not your fault, hyung. It's him. Yoongi hyung is your weakness and right now, you will not hear a word against him."

Jimin let out a breathy laugh, almost in sarcasm. The air in the room was growing thinner and thinner.

"You dare not teach me about love and weaknesses, Kim Taehyung. I've been your best friend for seven fucking years. You've known Yoongi hyung for even longer. And suddenly, you wanna trust a boy you met merely a few months ago? Is he not your weakness?"

"Trust?" Taehyung laughed bitterly.
"I do not trust anybody, hyung. And you know that."

"Not even me?"

"Not even you."

Jimin really had a hard time keeping in his tears as he heard his best friend's rash and unflinching tone. Taehyung seemed to be so sure of what he was saying that it scared Jimin. All these years of friendship and this is what they were stripped down to? What a shame, honestly.

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